He only spoke vaguely what the conversation was. 

"The Queen of Spades was refusing to take my grandson as her Ace. I figured that after our conversation that you would have at least made her understand of the circumstances behind this." 

Is what he only said. 

He however forgot to mention all about his hidden son and the fact that he was still trying to fool me. 

Even still, he was still trying to fool us. 

I picked up the pen near me and started my response. 

"It seems that there has been a slight confusion. I have been told that the person who The Queen of Spades has taken for an Ace is in fact a Rozario. 
Do not think that I am unaware of these things. It would also serve you and your family if you just decided not to make such a fuss of this matter as I am fully aware of the identity of the person you are trying to hide. 

So this problem, is not mine to solve. If you had any brain then you wouldn't send me a pathetic little report on this but come to beg for my mercy. 

Solve it before, I solve it for you. I expect that you know exactly what to do."  

I paced the pen down and looked down at the paper. If even after this he did not come and beg for my mercy then I had some serious changes to make in the House Of Cards. 

"Madden." I called. 

The door immediately opened and Madden poked his head in. His annoying hair tied back and a small smile on his face. 

"Sir?" He asked. 

"Make sure that this gets to Sebastian Rozario, send one of the Jacks, whichever have nothing important to do." I sighed

"Yes sir!" He nodded.

I ran a hand through my hair. Exhausted already. 

"Say, sir weren't you supposed to be on a break for a week or so?" Madden cautiously asked me. 

I glared at him. "You really think that break is possible with siblings like mine?" 

Madden blinked at me in surprise. 

"What?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Nothing its just-" He started but shook his head. "It's just that, Kyro would say the exact same thing." 

Now I widened my eyes in surprise. Madden gave a sheepish smile, but the sadness in his face was evident. 

One of the reasons that I had made Madden the leader of my Elite force was because of his skills, but there was something else about Madden that had made me want to chose him. 

When Kyro was the King Joker, Madden was just a normal low level guard. 

As none of the previous King Joker's elite force can become the new King Joker's Elite force due to loyalty they would all have to be killed as they were seen as potential threats to the new reign, because after all, they were all trained assassins of some sort. 

There had been many cases of old elite forces planning assassinations to the new king jokers as they were angry that their own leader was killed. 

So the rule was made that once there was a new King Joker, one of the first jobs they would have to do was to execute all of the Elite forces and remake new ones. In fact it was used as a means to show power and show the authority of the new king Joker. 

This all changed after Kyro was made the King Joker. 

Kyro had to kill the old elite force as they were an actual threat to us due to them being handpicked by our father. 

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