I don't know it's him..I thought it would be some cat.. I rushed inside and took a shaul to cover myself..

" what are doing here.?" I asked and he slowly turned back still facing the side.

" I found about something so I came to tell you that..." he said.. He slowly turned and his face looked relieved to see me standing with my shaul..

" what.?" I asked and he stared at me straight in my eyes..

" I had  contacted the world tree with my master's help.. And it seems your mom was waiting for a wish of her to be fulfilled.. The world tree strangely granted  her a wish.. Once it's fulfilled.. She can get  reborn again " he said and I felt relieved.

"what's that wish might be..?" I mumbled..

" she didn't told you about that..?" he asked..

" You are my world... I don't want my daughter to die early after a life full of hardship.. You are only twenty .. I want you to live happily doing whatever you want and find a guy who loves you the most, have a family and be happy .... "

Her words echoed in my ears...

Lucas P. O. V.

Her face which was blank earlier turned painful..she looked down sadly like she is tormented by something..

'so that's what you wished for mom..?! For me..? You are staying with me to see me being happy..? What an amazing mother I got...!! Mom.. I will try.. I will try to be happy.. I don't know about other things.. But I am gonna do whatever I want and be happy.. I will Try to...'  she thought and gulped her surging sobs from overwhelmed emotions inside her ..

she looked up after sometime.. Her face slowly changed to normal.

" thanks for telling me this lucas.." she said and smiled...

Bathump...bathump....she is smiling truly this time... And.. It's gorgeous...I can't react and she looked down ... She is thinking about something sad again.. This idiot..

Athy's P. O. V.

" you are having useless thoughts again.." he said and flicked my forehead

Strangely my head felt lighter.. Like everything that's weighing my mind is gone..what did  he do just now..? I looked up at him Surprised and I am moving inside on my own.. He is using magic again..

" go and sleep.."

he said and my body lied down on the bed and bedsheet hugged me itself..it feels warm after standing in the cold outside..

" what..? Do you need a lullaby.?" he asked with a smirk

" hmph..i am not a child.."

I said as I turned to the other side.. He is always teasing me.. I wish I can smash that handsome smug face... Hmph..but...Thinking about it.. It's strange.. After meeting him.. Whenever I feel down, he is with me.. Do something crazy and make me forget about it.. He even took effort to find about mom.. He is weird but good guy.

" lucas.." I mumbled and he hummed back.. He is still here.

"sweet dreams"

I mumbled and he is silent.. I don't want to turn back and see his face so I just shut my eyes as I feel sleepy..

P. O. V. Ends..

Lucas slowly walked towards her and she turned to his side in sleep..he sit on the chair beside and stared at her silently..

His hand slowly reached her hair which is all over the place and played with it..
Swirling it on his finger

' I was too surprised to see you earlier .. I don't know you would be  Playing a note in piano soulfully, looking fucking sexy in your night dress..' he thought..

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