Diagon Alley

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Ok, it's been a while I know but I'm finally feeling up to posting something.

I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. This is a work of fun and dopamine.

Sally smiles "Ok well care to join us?"

Remus smiles at his friend. "Well if you are sure, I'm be happy to."

Diagon Ally was the usual cacophony that comes once the Hogwarts letters go out. Sally smiled remembering her first visit with Lily. Getting Percy his things went pretty well. It was while exiting the apothecary that they almost ran into a group of redhead boys walking down the Alley. The oldest looked like he was 18, just a year or two out of Hogwarts. A familiar redheaded woman was walking down the other way with a smaller boy and a girl that looked shockingly like her and her sister. 

"Molly Weasley," Sally calls out.

The woman looked up and did a bit of a double take. "Lily? No wait aren't you her sister Daisy?"

"Well I've been going by my middle name for a while. It's been Sally Jackson since before my oldest Percy was born," Sally says smiling.

A thinner looking boy in the mix looks up confused.

"Well what brings you to Diagon Ally? Last I heard you were living in America? Oh and I didn't know you had a pair of twins as well," Molly Weasley asks.

"We moved back after I came to my senses and left my ex Gabe. Let's just say I'd rather be here and accept my magic despite what happened to Lily than ignore who I and the kids are. So we came today to get Percy his supplies," Sally says.

Percy Weasley and Jackson share a look. Weasley then looks at the brown haired boy who reaches out his hand.

"Hey, the name is Percy Jackson, these are my sisters Aster and Cassandra or Cassy for short," Percy says pointing at his sisters and they both wave.

"Right, I'm Percy Weasley That's Bill, Charlie, George and Fred and the little ones are Ronald and Ginny," Percy Weasley says pointing to his siblings in succession.

The group of children quickly make introductions and Aster and Cassy share a look at the same time Fred and George do. Sally and Molly none the wiser but a certain spiritual entity smirks. (Oh the chaos born when twins mentor twins). Percy groans when he sees the look on his sisters faces. Apparently Bill and Charlie saw Percy's expression and reach over to pat his shoulder. Percy Weasley shakes his head and clears his throat.

"So Jackson, I take it you are starting Hogwarts too," Percy Weasley asks.

"Oh yes, it turns out that my mom being born here means I get on the Hogwarts registry, instead of Illvermorny," Percy Jackson says.

"Well I'll do my best to give you advice and keep you out of these two's antics," Percy Weasley says looking at his twin brothers with a smile.

"Thank you Percy, I admit in a few years we might have our hands full when Cassy and Aster start as well. So we'd better prepare," Percy Jackson says with a smile and pulling out his rope.

Percy starts tying different knots unconsciously as the group moves down the street. Aster and Cassy hold hands even as they talk to different siblings. Charlie indulgently looking down at Cassy while Fred and George are animated in their conversation with Aster.  Nearing the Leaky Cauldron the group separates with promises to do a picnic.

Before they it September 1st has arrived. Walking through the train station with a backpack swung over his shoulder Percy Jackson casually looks through the crowds with his sisters and mom behind him. With out missing a beat, they walk through the barrier to see the platform for the scarlet Hogwarts Express. Sally stops and looks at her son.

"Ok Percy, you got everything? Quills and parchment for assignments, your notebooks and pencils for notes and studying, Your trunk is shrunk in your pack, I packed some blue snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies in case you get homesick. There is tuna and a small eel pie in there as well so don't over do the trolley. Aeolus is already on the way to Hogwarts so you can write us soon. Have fun, study hard and don't jump off the boats to play with the squid on your way to the castle," Sally says with a look at her son before hugging him.

"It's ok Mom, I'm ready. Professor Snape is there and I promise not to explore the lake tonight. Thanks for the snacks and I will write soon," Percy says returning the hug.

A sniffle draws his attention to his little sister. He hugs her and pats her head.

"I'm going to miss you big brother," Cassy let's a tear fall.

"Hey it will be ok, I'll see you at Christmas," Percy says awkwardly.

"I know but,..." Cassy trails off.

"Hey you have Jaimie to watch your back now and you hers. You got this and remember in case of monster attacks, scream, fall down and shoot the underbelly," Percy says hugging his sister.

Turning to Aster he smiles and hugs her.

"Remember, Cassy bites in her nightmares and the sunlight/moonlight torch will help if it's a really bad one. I'll lay the groundwork for you two at Hogwarts so remember to keep up the hard work and I love you," Percy says hugging Aster around her shoulders.

A/N: I'm unsure about ships at this time. Percy I think will be in Hufflepuff as the kind of loyal protective type. I may do a time jump to when Aster and Cassy start or have them start Camp Halfblood before they start Hogwarts. Also I'm still debating on how many others I want to set as halfbloods and wizards.

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