》Chapter Three.

Start from the beginning

I want to curl up and curse at her for what she has said to me, I want to be offended, but as soon as i look up at Louis' warm smile, it's impossible to be mad at anyone or anything. He makes everything looks so easy and not really important after all. So I find myself smiling back.

'' I have to go now and you must go back to your work too. Missus Alice will be looking for you, I'm sure.'' I roll my eyes exasperated by the only mention of her name and Louis heartily laughs before escorting me back to the room. I wave goodbye and stand there to watch him till he strolls at the end of the corridor, vanishing.

I close my eyes for a moment and fist my hands, determinate to make it alive till the end of the day.

I finally get to the endnof it feeling both relieved and exhausted. I drag myself to the servant's quarters and strip down of my long dark skirt, blouse and white apron, changing into my own. I do everything in a so mechanic way that without knowing why, I find myself at the back entrance of the palace waiting for Louis to pick me up.

I stay focus on the dark sky while I sit with my butt on the stony wall. It's pretty lonely out here today, no one makes any sound, half of the people that were cleaning the house only hours ago, are now gone and my ride is late by ten minutes, which is not a surprise. I take my phone out of my pocket, checking if there's any message and I find one, sighing.

Lou: Mr. Styles asked me for a late-night favour. I'm heading back right now, please be safe. See you in 5. x"

I smile to my screen and grab one side of my coat to search for my pocket in the dark night. I don't think many people will adventure themselves up here, especially not at the back of the house since it's only for servants.

I'm suddenly contradicted by a feverish succession of angry, coy steps that boom in the tranquillity of the backyard like thunders in the middle of a dark night.

I turn my head fast, so fast my hair ends up blurring my view but I carefully brush it back, focusing on the sinister silhouette that is making its way towards me. The figure passes the gates of the house and closes them slowly so they won't make any noise. It's the same boy i have briefly  met a few days ago.

Perhaps if I don't move he won't notice me and I will avoid the same awkwardness that has happened days back. I don't want to feel what I felt when he looked at me. I don't want to be forced into that roller-coaster of bad feelings he had awaken within me. The boy meanwhile, passes a hand through his curls shooting a glance to his right as if he was afraid of being seen and I unconsciously press myself more against the wall, sure he will turn in a moment and catch me. But he doesn't and I sigh in relief when he takes a few steps away from my not-so-smart hiding.

Unfortunately for me, I have the tendency of underestimate the volume of my desperation because when I puff in the desolate land, the boy hears it almost as if I had screamed and stiffens imminently, dropping something for the scare.

'' Shit!'' He curses kicking the object with a sharp movement of his foot and I suck in my breath. When I look back at him i find him already with his eyes deep into my flash. They dig and pierce, trying to catch something that will make me feel uncomfortable. 

He's upset, and his anger grows at every breath I take, as if my only existence disturbs him till no end. He looks so dangerous, there's no trace of the angel face kissed by the light that I saw that morning and lead me to think he was a beautiful boy.

There's only five steps that separate us, still I feel my flesh burn with shame for no apparent reason. I gulp down and lower my gaze to stare at my feet, like we were playing a game and I had just lost the battle.

I feel like a coward for letting him confirming his theory, for letting him think that I am not worth his words, let alone his gaze, but I can't do anything else. I hear him intake a breath as to say something but headlights flash at the end of the road and Louis' car silently pulls in. I let out a long breath of relief and get off from my seat, running so fast away from that boy that I almost lose a shoe in the process.

I jump in Louis' car, shut the door and relax the second the world is left outside and I'm finally home with someone who doesn't think I'm a complete waste of space.

'' Sorry. I'm late.'' Louis apologizes. I'm not really listening; my attention is elsewhere watching long legs take a stride after the other down the little path that leads to the gardens.

'' What are you even staring at?'' Louis body moves a bit further and I find his head invading my space in the attempt to catch a glimpse of what I am analysing with so much ardour and tenacity.

'' Nothing. Bogie, can we go home?'' I flatter my eyelashes in the sweetest way I can manage and Louis scoffs, getting back in his seat before driving away.

Once we get to my house, I wave Louis goodnight and get to my room.

The last thing I remember is falling with my face on the soft pillow while the fresh smell of clean sheets takes me to the dream land and I forget about all my insecurities. But there are those dark eyes bugging me at the bottom of my mind and no matter how hard I try to push them away, they always come back to haunt me, to reminds me of how imperfect and probably wrong I am. Which stings, stings so much.


Hello beautiful people! I hope you are enjoying my new story, please would you like to share it and leave a comment below to tell me what you like about it? it would be much appreciate!

All the love,


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