Y/N could hear music and laughter pouring out of the Medici estate. It made her physically ill. 

"I am going to kill Bianca for putting me through this," Y/N whispered to Sandro as they entered the building, making their way to the courtyard where the event was, "She better name her first born after me -- regardless of gender." 

When the walked in, there was a group of colorfully-dressed dancers in the center, everyone watching as they moved about. Two long, red tables adorned either side of the magnificent courtyard, where nobles mingled about. 

Y/N motioned for Sandro to go into the courtyard where the action was, and Y/N made her way around the premises of the courtyard, in an area covered by a column-supported ceiling which opened to the outdoors. She found Bianca in the shadows, and quickly made her way to her. 

"Bianca!" Y/N whispered. 

Bianca rushed over, concern and shock riddled on her features, "Y/N! What on earth are you doing here? No one thought you would come, considering--"

"I wouldn't have if it weren't for your situation. We need to get you out of an arranged marriage, yes?"

"Yes -- can you help?"

"Of course -- I can do anything," Y/N said, matter-of-factly, "We need to start by getting you two out of Florence. I know a church outside the city's walls, the Father is a close friend of mine. He will marry you and Guglielmo, but I am afraid it will be tricky to time. Can you come with me now?"

"Yes, I think I could. What do I bring?"

"Listen to me, Bianca: absolutely nothing. The clothes on your back and that is all. I will handle the rest. Now, if I am not mistaken, Guglielmo is in attendance?"

"Yes, he is," She motioned to a crowd, where young Guglielmo was speaking to a few men.

"You will tell him to meet us just outside the city's East gate, on horseback. Tell him to bring only his sword, letter seal, and the rings. You understand?"

Bianca nodded.

Y/N hugged her, and whispered, "God is on our side, child. Meet me outside, make sure you are not seen."

Y/N disappeared through a nearby door, resurfacing at the outside entrance. After a moment, Bianca came out, covered in her navy cape. 

"Come, we must make haste to my home," Y/N said, motioning for Bianca to follow as they wove through back allies for the quickest route to the Palazzo de Farnese. It took only ten minutes, and upon entering, Y/N began to take off her many skirts, leaving them on the floor as she moved towards her bedroom, "I just need some damn pants and we will be off!" She told Bianca, running to change. Y/N was back downstairs but a moment later, in proper riding clothes.

"Your home is gorgeous!" Bianca remarked, looking around Y/N's foyer as Sophia collected Y/N's tossed around skirts.

"I'm glad you think so, there's a high likelihood you may have to live here if your brother doesn't accept the marriage," Y/N spoke, tying her hair up as she motioned for Bianca to follow her out to where her horse was tied up, "Have you ever ridden on horseback before?"

Bianca shook her head no.

"We will have to ride together, then. I will mount first, you mount second. Got it?"

Bianca nodded, and watched as Y/N hoisted herself upward. Bianca did the same, wrapping her arms around Y/N, who then signaled for the beloved Nike to make haste as they moved from her home to the East entrance of the city, frequented primarily by farmers from the countryside just outside the city. 

Y/N stopped at the guards' post, reaching into a satchel to get a handful of golden coins. She turned to Bianca, "Put your hood up."

Bianca did as told, and Y/N walked to a guard whom she recognized.

"Hello, Messer -- did you serve in the military two years ago?"

"Yes, Madonna Farnese -- I was trained by your brother, Leonardo de'Farnese."

"Marvelous," Y/N smiled, "I am actually leaving these walls to meet with a man who used to serve on my father's militia -- but it is important that nobody knows I go to him," Y/N spoke in a whisper, taking the man's hand as if to shake it. He felt the gold in her palm, and took it, pocketing it for himself, "If I return and you haven't told anyone where I and that maiden have gone, you will get double this. Understand?"

The guard nodded, and waved them through. Y/N jumped back onto her horse, walking through the now opened gate. They walked down the road, stopping a while away to wait for Guglielmo. 

"I should have had you change," Y/N remarked, looking at Bianca's bright pink and richly blue gown, "You do look lovely, though."

Bianca was about to say something, when the sight and sound of her lover galloping to them disrupted her. Soon, Guglielmo and his horse were beside them. 

"Follow me and keep pace," Y/N commanded, and took off in the direction of the farming settlement's nucleus. In an area just a mile outside the walls, there was a small farmer's market, a handful of shops, and a small yet beautiful chapel. Her father had paid for the construction of this little church, and in moments like these, Y/N was thankful for it.

They went to the back of the church and tied their horses to stalls which were protected in the shade of the bell tower. Y/N then turned to Guglielmo and offered him her hand to shake, he did so. 

"Follow me, then." Y/N walked back to the front of the church, followed closely by the two younger members of their runaway wedding party. 

She swung open the church door, and looked around. Candles were lit, but the hall was silent. Waving in her companions, she shut the door behind them before calling out, "Father Gasparo?" 

"Yes, child?" A familiar voice called out, as a man who had been knelt before the altar stood, making himself seen over the piers. He turned around with a smile, and Y/N was finally greeted with a familiar face from her childhood. Gasparo was an older gentlemen, around the age of her own father, but his build hinted that he was once a warrior also. Now, so many years away frm battle, he was beginning to look truly old. 

"I have a favor to ask," Y/N approached, "These two, they are friends of mine from the city -- I was hoping you would let them take refuge in the church for a day or two, while I arrange some affairs for them within Florence. Then, we would like to seem them married in a house of God."

Gasparo glanced at Guglielmo and Bianca, who stood quietly and politely by the doors. "I assume no one can know they are here?"

"Your assumption is correct -- I also need them to not be married quite yet, it is really important that I handle a few things first."

Gasparo motioned Y/N into an embrace before agreeing to it.

"Thank you, Father -- I am indebted to you."

"Consider it repaid in faith," The man spoke, before turning to the two lovers, "Would you two like to get settled? There are some rooms which you make yourself comfortable in over here." Gasparo led them off, and Y/N went back outside to make the journey back into Florence, under the falling sun. 

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