Day Out

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Wally and I made our way back out to the street and headed over to Poppy's place. It looked like a big red barn.

Wally knocked on the door. Poppy answered, a big smile on her face.

"Well, what a surprise! What brings you two round here?" She bent down to our level. Wally smiled.

"I'm showing _____________ around town, and saying hello to everyone along the way!" She nodded.

"Oh, sounds like fun!" 

We talked with Poppy for a bit before saying our goodbyes, making our way to Sally's.

I knocked this time, and Sally quickly answered the door.

"Oh, hey! I'm glad to see you're doing better _____________!" She smiled. I nodded.

"Yeah, honestly how can you not be happy in such a colorful, happy town." She quickly nodded.

"Oh, absolutely! It's the perfect place! So what's up?" Wally spoke up.

"I'm showing _______________ around the town, saying hello to everyone. How's your day going , Sally?" She smiled.

"My day has been great! I'm glad you two are having fun!" 

We talked with Sally a bit before moving on.

We went to Julie's next, then Franks, then Barnaby's. We talked with everyone for a while before making it to Howdy's shop. Wally turned to me.

"I have to grab a few things. Care to join me?" I nodded and we made our way inside. The little bell above the door dinged as we entered. Howdy looked up, smiling and waving to us.

"Well, howdy! How are you two doing?" I made my way over to the counter as Wally began to shop around.

"We're doing good, thanks! Wally's been showing me around." Howdy smiled.

"That's awfully nice of him. I'm glad you two are having a good day!" I smiled.

"So, how's business been?" He shrugged.

"Eh, kind of slow, but I don't mind. Gives me more time to clean up and whatnot." I nodded.

"The store looks great! Very organized and clean!" His smile grew.

"Well, thank you! I truly appreciate it!" Wally came up with a small basket of items.

Howdy quickly got him rang up and we began to head to the door. I turned to wave goodbye to Howdy and he had an almost panicked expression on his face.

He mouthed the words 'Be careful' before his smile immediately returned and he waved goodbye.

That was weird.

Wally didn't see it, and I didn't want to worry him, so I didn't say anything.

What could he mean by that? Be careful of what? Or who?

Wally and I made our way back to his house, quickly making our way inside. Wally set his things down, turning to me.

"Did you have a good day?" I nodded.

"I did. Thank you, Wally. You've really made me feel welcome." Blush covered his face as he smiled.

"Oh, here. I got you a few things." He quickly changed the subject.

He pulled some things from his bags. 

"It's just a few change of clothes, and some pajamas so you can be more comfortable." He passed them to me. I smiled, setting them aside. I reached over and hugged him.

"Thank you, Wally." He went limp, but then gently hugged me back. I pulled back and looked at him.

"Hey, you're getting better at hugs." He smiled.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... I'm trying... For you." I took the pajamas and made my way to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna change real quick, I'll be right back." He nodded.

I quickly got dressed and came back out.

These pajamas are extremely comfortable.

Wally has turned on the TV and was surfing through the channels.

"Would you like to watch a movie with me?" He asked, a smile spread across his face. I nodded, making my way over to the couch. I sat right next to him.

He turned on this bright, colorful movie. 

Well I guess everything in this world is colorful and cheerful.

A little while into the movie, I felt myself begin to shake.

"It's a bit cold, isn't it?" Wally stood up and went into the bedroom, coming back out with the blanket. He quickly draped it over me, sitting back down. I draped the blanket over him as well.

He didn't look at me, but his cheeks turned that bright orange again, and I saw his smile grow ever so slightly.

The movie was long, and I felt myself begin to drift off to sleep. My head drooped down, and I felt my head touch a soft surface. Not caring what it was, I got comfortable. I quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to the screen being static.

The movie must be over.

I looked over and realized I was sleep on Wally's shoulder. Looking up, I realized he also fell asleep leaning on me.

Not wanting to wake him up, I quickly got comfortable again and began drifting back off to sleep.

Maybe this place won't be so bad.

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