Generational Curse

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It's too late man it's just too damn late

You've had all the fun and foolishness you could ever take

For some it's less and for some its so much

Socializing with fools and chasing after worldly lusts

With no consciousness, your eyes are projected on these material illusions

Tuned in to the beat of blasphemy disguised as an act of exclusion

Women conditioned to sell sex even though they have no objective purpose for

It's almost impossible to be me in a world filled with greed, hypocrisy, and sexual galore

Like there was no tomorrow, sacrificing every one of your sorrows

Life is corrupted with lies though the body is just a vessel, meek and hollow

And I keep pride in my cup but its something you would never swallow

Steadily committing perjury in the face of life's tribulations and trials

Refusing to be broken, vulnerable, or weak is nothing else but denial

My mind is strong yet humbled and conflicted with exterior sin

Living by many but dying alone is something misunderstood by many friends

Honestly, you don't need any of my gifts but you'll take them for what its worth

You see my gift as a priceless souvenir overlooked one day to be sold on this earth

This place is becoming devoured with evil and your body is a temple of veneration

Soon you will be consumed, can you not foresee?

Though, if you do not take my consideration,

I'm afraid you will just be another addition to the lost souls of this generation

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