Seto turned to him placing his hand on Leo's shoulder. "As your probably aware your father was king of games many years ago but taking the title with him after he passed so tragically. "he spoke little emotion in his voice. A little rare for Seto remembering his cousin and how he was there when got that title. He took a few seconds to compose himself.

"After much discussion with members of the dueling world and family members. I'm fairly sure your father would want you to be the next king of games and hold that title with pride. " Seto spoke.

Leo was completely stunned and speechless, He couldn't believe that he was now giving the title the King of duelists. " I....well....I'm really honestly don't know what to say... he finally spoke, He looked around at all the people and other duelists who were awaiting Leo's answer. The young teen nodded with a smiled "It be an honour to share that title with my Father."

The whole place went crazy, cheering and chanting not just to the new champion but the new King of duelists.

Yami watched with bated breath when he saw his young Son Summoning the most powerful monster in his deck the Dark Magician and he certainly using it like a true champion.

Leo had Called the Dark Magician to the field in attack mode attacking his opponent's last monster ending the duel. The whole place erupted with cheers after amazing yet tense duel. The young teenage duelist shook his opponent's hand with saying it was a good duel. His opponent took his defeat in good spirits.

Yami felt such a proud father. His little boy was now a man.

The Crowd had cheered for Leo, as Seto Kaiba had now joined the dueling field to congratulate Leo on his winning and to congratulate his opponent too.

He still wasn't sure on the praise he was getting but he held his nerves as best he could as he spoke to Seto, still glancing over at his Father for a brief moment.

Just then Seto Kaiba then made unexpected announcement to everyone in the Kaiba dome. " I have been thinking about this decision for a long time now when this recent event."

Everyone was confused and intrigued to hear what Seto had decided. The sound of crowd talking and murmuring all around.

Seto looked to young Leo beside him. " As you know I set up the event in memory of my late cousin Yami Sennen who was a worthy yet gifted Duelist who ever graced the dueling world."

Yami's smile was huge when he heard the announcement, He was so proud he knew Leo was worthy of the title.

Leo wasn't sure how to feel now that he had his father's title but he thanked Seto.

"I won't let you or any one down. "he smiled

Seto gave him a nodded as a duelist. "See that you don't, Your father would have been incredibly be proud of you Leo.." Then taking his leave.

That evening while his family and friends were celebrating his win and now his newly giving title.

He stood outside in the garden having a quiet moment to himself. He eyes gazing up towards the starry night sky. " Can I really be the next King of duelists.."

Yami took that moment to finally show to his son it was quite and everyone was busy celebrating inside.

"Is true your king of duellist now and I couldn't be more proud of you. " A deep baritone voice from behind the young teen.

Leo jumped a little in fright as he turning around to see his father standing in front of him.

"Father?". Yami nodded as he walked towards him with a smile.

Yami knew that Leo probably wouldn't remember much of him since last time he saw his son was when he was 5 years old. "Guess You still have the gift of seeing your old dad, huh?! " Yami chuckled at that moment.

Leo looked confused but was content. "So that wasn't a dream all those years ago with Uncle Atemu... "

" It was very much real." Yami said. " I can't believe how much you and your sister have grown up, Your mother has raised you both so well."

"She did, she wasn't alone either she had Uncle Atemu and Uncle Yugi too, it still wasn't the same without you dad. " Leo started to tear up just then Leo warped his arms around his Father. Yami smiled as he held his son.

"There you are "Kimiko called out. Leo saw he was alone again. " Everyone is looking for you." she said. Leo smiled to his sister.

"Sorry just needed some air." he smiled then leaving to head back inside with his sister. He looked back to where his father stood a second ago for a moment. " Ill do you proud...."he whispered then heading back in.

Unknown to those here enjoying the festivities inside, A figure stood within the darkness watching them from a far. 

"This isn't the end, Is only the beginning." 

YU-GI-OH!!-Revenge....Till us do PartWhere stories live. Discover now