Chapter 14

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"Help is on is way..."Yugi said then he dialled a number "Anzu is me, listen Can you and Honda get here... I need you two to take the children...."

"I'll grab my keys. "He said hurrying off. "Oh Yugi I hope everything is all right.." she thought. 

Soon they were out of the house it didn't taken them long to reach Yugi's to their horror they saw unconscious Nixie who was in a pretty bad being carried out of the house with the paramedics, The two wasted no time and headed in to see Yugi.

"What on earth happened?! " Anzu questioned,

"We saw Nixie being taking into the back of the ambulance.."

Yugi was freaking out... "I've no idea myself this guy... said she was in the park and she just passed out and brought her back here which I'm thankful for.." he said looking to Aigmai

"I called you cause I need someone to look after the kids while I go with Nixie,"

"Where's Atemu haven't you tried to get a hold of him?" Honda asked. Yugi shook his head " My husbands has gone and disappeared of the face of the earth, I don't know where " by this stage Yugi was frantic now.

Aigmai picked up on the missing husband conversation but didn't pay much attention he noticed the look on Yami's face too at the mention of Atemu's strange disappearance.

"Atemu's missing!! what the hell? Wonderful timing that is," Honda snapped. "Listen I'll check the kids, Yugi you need to look after your Sister, she is more important "She said.

"Thanks Anzu, I sent the kids Upstairs before they could see anything." Anzu nodded. Honda took his phone out and called Jonouchi to ask for help in looking for Atemu.

"I have a car I could give you a lift to the hospital.." Aigmai offered "Is the least I can do for you.."

Yugi smiled to the stranger. "Thank you so much... ummm?"

"Oh Aigmai" He said shaking Yugi's hand. "Thanks for this... Ill call you guys if their any updates" Yugi spoke before leaving. 

"Good luck Yugi" Anzu called as her friend left, something was slightly annoying Anzu about the stranger who found Nixie

she had a funny feeling she had seen him before, she shook the feeling off and went upstairs to check on the kids.

But Anzu wasn't the only one who had that feeling, Yami was picking up a strange aura from the young male.

Honda walked out to make the call, "Honda what's going on man? " Jonouchi greeted cheerful, taking a seat to next Seto at the table who was reading his morning paper. Seto then saw Jonouchi face turn from one of happiness to shock.

"Mutt?! "he spoke, "Yeah Kaiba is with me, Why? What's going on Honda? "he heard him sigh on the other end. Jonouchi nearly dropped the phone "Oh my god... when was this.. okay okay slowly down me and Seto will be on our way."

"What the hell is going on Mutt?" Seto insisted to know what Honda wanted.

Jonouchi looked to Seto extremely concerned "is Nixie, she has been rushed to hospital, Yugi is with her and the poor dude is a terrible state.." Seto suddenly arose from the table and stormed straight right up to one of the bedrooms to where Atemu was still sleep. 

He stormed right into the room pulling the bed covered right off Atemu. "You better get your ass up now!!!"

Atemu yawned still have half asleep, "What time is it..." he said sleepily.

" I told you if I got a call hearing anything about Yugi or Nixie I would royally kick your ass myself!!! " he roared.

Atemu sweet dropped he didn't even get to speak before his cousin cut him off again What the fucking hell Sennen He's in bits and what's worse is he had to take his sister to hospital

if your idea of going into hiding was going to protect them please take your head out of your ass!!!. "

He was about to speak again but was cut of once more " Take the mutt with you as well I'm sure he's worried as the rest of the geek squad are and Sennen you pull a stunt like that again and I'll personally send you you meet your brother in person and trust me I'll enjoy the thought of Yami ripping you apart." Atemu jumped out of bed and got ready.

At the hospital Yugi paced up and down in side the waiting room anxiously awaiting news on his little sister. unknown to him Yami sat sitting in the chair opposite him, "Yugi your gonna make a hole in the floor." Yami remarked but Yugi didn't his words

Aigami came in with two hot drinks. "Any news?". Yugi shook his head nope. "What's taking so long..."

Yami was now glaring daggers at Aigami, he really didn't like how friendly he was being with Yugi. There was something about him that didn't feel right with him, at that given moment he had a really bad feeling about this all of it.

Then heard voices coming down the hall he looked to see Jonouchi and Atemu. he breathed a sigh of relief that his brother was safe at least... he was going to have words with his brother when he got a chance,

Yugi didn't even notice the other two that walked into the room till his husbands voice reached his ear.

"What the hell are you doing here?! "Atemu snapped when he saw the teal haired stranger Jonouchi looked between the two of them not understanding what was going on... he could feel the tension in the air.

"You always seem to show up when something bad happens who the hell are you?! "he clenched his fits ready for a fist fight, Yami had noticed the same logic that Atemu had no one else had picked that up yet he gave his brother praise for that one. but he was still mad at him for not protecting his lover

Yugi know noticed his husband's presence and glared daggers at him " I'll have words with you later Atemu right now.... Don't you dare you don't get to accuse anyone right now he actually helped my sister." Yugi growled

"If it wasn't for him my sister could be Yami right now..." he added, Atemu was about to speak with the doctor came in to the waiting Area "Mr Sennen?" he spoke. Yugi stepped forward "That's me I'm Nixie Mouto's Brother"

"Your sister is stabilised, but she is has be monitored for the next 24 hours." he answered. Everyone was relieved to know she was okay. "Do you know what caused it?" Atemu quizzed.

The doctor looked at his notes "from what her blood's came back she had a high level yet dangerous substance in her body, if we hadn't of treated it in time well things would of been very different." This baffled Yugi and the others how did this even happen.

"May we see her?" Yugi asked. The doctor nodded "Of course she still hasn't came around yet once she does we will have a better idea with her." Every one smiled and followed the doctor.

Yami was very much relieved his beloved didn't join him. " Thank Heavens you are safe my love....I couldn't bear out children loosing you too.."

"Don't worry brother dearest would look after them..." a voice replied to him. Yami looked to see Aigami was still in the room. 

YU-GI-OH!!-Revenge....Till us do PartWhere stories live. Discover now