Chapter 3

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5 years later.....

"Mama!!! Mama!!!" Two young children squealed with excitement running into their mother's bedroom, jumping on to the bed. Nixie awoke with a loving smile upon her face the sight of her young son and daughter. "IS HERE!!! WE GOING


"Okay you two settled down, I don't want any accidents." she said. The two stopped jumping up and down and sat down close to their mother who brought them into a hug. "

"Mommy will Uncle Yugi and Uncle Atemu teach me to duel just like daddy?"

Nixie nodded giving him a small kiss on his forehead. "Of course, Leo darling." Leo sprung up with joy. "Yes!!"

Just then a knock came from the door, Nixie looked up to see Kisara standing in the door way "Good morning Miss Mouto, Mr Kaiba has just been in touch to say he will be sending someone to collect you and the young ones about 12."

"Thanks Kisara" Nixie smiled.

"And breakfast is now ready, and Aunty ishizu has made you both your favourite pancakes and blueberry."

The twins cheered and rushed off to have breakfast. "We shall miss the little ones when you go.." Kisara said. "And I shall miss you and Ishizu with everything you have done for me and my children, but I have to return I can't keep running away from past."

Kisara sat on the edge of the bed. "Is a brave step your taking...."

"I need to find some answers to what happened to Yami, it wasn't just a normal break in someone wanted him his deck and more so wanted him dead."

Kisara smiled at her " I suppose when you don't have that closure it's going to keep nagging you?! I still don't understand Yami was such a pleasant young man what was it a motivate?

or was he just in the wrong place at the wrong time? "

"I ask myself that all the time....still I have been running away from his memory for so long, I have to find out what really happened." Kisara nodded with a smile. "Well I wish you all the luck."

Nixie smiled as Kisara left her alone with her thoughts. "I will find out what happened to you...."

After breakfast Nixie was ready to leave with the twins. She was looking forward to seeing her brother and friends again after 5 years, sadly those painful memories still awaited her back home but she deep down she could face them,

Yami never truly left her alone he had left her the most precious gift and that was their children Leo and Kimiko.

Meanwhile in domino the Sennen family were just getting up to start there day.

Yugi was super excited that his Little sister was coming home today it had been a hard 5 long years. He knew why she left and didn't blame her Domino held a lot of memories of her and Yami, Everywhere she went all she could see was Him.

Atemu never fully got over the loss of his brother, he's still digging for the truth to find the motive for his killing, it wasn't easy on Yugi either... Atemu was a great father to Heba their young Son,

he adored them both. Most time Atemu just buried himself into his research to much along side Seto but every time they came up empty there was no trace as to why.

Yugi could see His Husband was trying to keep it together but he was falling apart inside. Yugi was looking forward to seeing his his little niece and nephew too, He and Atemu adored them to bits

Yugi smiled fondly Atemu kept to his word all those years ago about helping Nixie as best he could.

He was busy making breakfast when he felt two arms wrap around his waist, Atemu lent in and kissed him on the cheek." Good Morning."

Yugi turned and gave him a peck on the lips "Morning to you too. Would you go and wake Heba up while I finish up here? " Atemu nodded and went to get their son for breakfast.

On his way upstairs to his son's bed room, he stopped short of the door for the last few years he could always sense some sort of presence.. He never really passed much heed to it but he felt something comforting about it like he knew his brother was still close him.

"Morning sleepy head... raise and shine." Atemu greeted walked into the room. Little Heba slowly awoke rubbing his little crimson eyes. Atemu opened the curtain allowing the sunlight in. " Today is the day your cousins are coming to stay."

"Yay!!! " Heba sprung to life cheering with excitement, Atemu chuckled scooping up his son into his arms.

"They looking forward to seeing you. Now Come on Kiddo breakfast time... Mommy's waiting for us." He said carrying the ecstatic 4 in half year old down stairs.

A few hours later Nixie had touch down back in Domino. She came off the plane carrying a sleeping Leo in her arms and holding her daughter's hand helping her down the steps.

Nixie got into the car which Seto had arranged was waiting too take them the Sennen household.

It felt strange to Nixie being back after all this time away.. The memories came flooding back to her as they travelled along. The car stopped at a set of lights outside Domino High, The very school she and Yami attended all those years ago...

she saw a young couple standing outside the gates looking very much in love the memory of her school day romances with Yami came back to her.


Nixie sat underneath one of the school's sakura trees with a small picnic laid out. "Sorry did I keep you waiting long." A deep baritone voice came. She smiled gazing up towards Yami.

Nixie shook her head. "Not at all, I'm not long here myself honestly... "she said softly, Yami sighed in relief as he took a seat next to her leaning back into the tree for support, scooting closer to her, he had a content smile on his face and least it was dry and very warm.

"That brother of mine always seems to try and delay me, I'm fairly sure it's on purpose at this point though! " Yami chuckled slightly. Nixie rested her head cutely on his shoulder. "I can sympathize with you, Yugi can be like that at times, I think we need to do the same thing back to those two."

Yami chuckled at the thought of that idea.

"I suppose the way both our brothers act is a given, Atemu is such a bad flirt but I can see how he is with Yugi.. he can't help himself it's possible he's afraid of asking Yugi seeing that us two are together. "

He took her hand in his holding it tightly before speaking again. "Would you as his sister Nixie approve in a bit of match making for our brothers. " Yami was grinning he knew they had a crush on one another but knew things were complicated.

Nixie smirked. "Yami Sennen your so wicked, I think we should do it." Yami simply grinned as he kissed his love. "I know I am."


The sound of the car's horn abruptly brought Nixie out from her day dream as they continued on. 

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