Chapter 21

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*2 days later*

It was the night of the memorial duel gathering ball.

Anzu had stopped by to babysit the children. Nixie was upstairs getting ready to accompany Atemu and Yugi to the event. She was glad to be fully recovered from her dangerous ordeal with

Aigami. In the back of his mind she hope Atemu's plan to comfort Aigami made her feel sick.

Nixie looked in the mirror fixing her dress.." You look beautiful my queen." She smiled when she felt two arms wrap around her waist.

Yami resting his chin on her shoulder admiring her with a smile. "We best get going my love or we're are going to be late. He then heard Anzu calling from down stairs.

"Nixie?! What are you even doing up there you're going to be late and Atemu and Yugi are getting rather impatient!!"

The two looked to each other, giggling slightly. " Just coming." She replied.

" Ready.." she said.

Yami nodded. "As ever" The two took each other hands and headed down stairs. The twins and Heba looked in awe.. " Aunty looks like a princess." Heba stated. Even Leo and Kimiko agreed.

Leo and Kimiko spoke in unison. "Mommy looks pretty!!"

Nixie knelt down to her children, kissing them both on the foreheads. " You be good for Aunty Anzu okay? " She hugged her little nephew too Heba" same goes for you Heba " he nodded.

Atemu and Yugi felt like a bag of nerves. Anzu looked at them with a smile. "Enjoy your night all of you."

"Call me or Atemu if anything happens "Yugi added heading out the door with his husband and Sister.

"The kids will be fine with me, GO! " Anzu chuckled as she watched them get into the car that arrived to pick them up. She waved them off before closing the door.

Not to far from the house a strange figure watched before coming out of the darkness of shadows and headed towards the Sennen/Motou household.

The car arrived at the very glamorous reception for all the duellists. Seto met with his Cousin and the others, he took Nixie by the arm then accompany them inside. "Any news on Aigami?" Atemu asked.

Seto shook his head, "Nothing, the coward he might not even show up.."

Atemu deep down hoped he would appear, this event was the last chance to get his closure. The attending duellist who were all ready their spoke with Atemu and Nixie about Yami. Seto kept a close eye on who was arriving.

Atemu was getting anxious as the night went on there was no sign of Diva at all, there was no way he wasn't going to show he made it clear that he wanted atemu to suffer so backing out now wasn't in the cards.

He wasn't going to postpone the duels any longer as he made his announcements glancing at his partner who nodded to him getting the message across.

Anzu's peaceful evening was about to turn into one of nightmares, With the children down for the night, She was clearing away some of the children's toys down stairs, Honda had messaged her on the night's events

Suddenly she heard a thud come from upstairs. "What the....? " she heard the noise again. she looked at the clock which read 9:30, the noise became louder and more frequent.

Anzu slowly made her way to the bottom of the stairs. Leo, Kimiko......Heba you guys better be asleep up there?" with caution she made her way up to the children's room's to check up on them. Anzu felt something was wrong as got closer.

everything was quiet a little too quiet her gut intuition was telling her. Anzu slowly entered the twins room, she walked over to the beds. "Leo? Kimiko?" she called... no answer. Anzu reached forward pulling back both bedcover, her heart stopped

both bed where empty. "Oh no!!" she cried, before rushing into Heba's room to see he was gone also. Panic and fear started to set in.." Leo!!!! Kimiko!!!! Heba!!!!" she screamed searching the house whole frantically for the three young ones.

Anzu ran down stairs, grabbing her phone dialling Yugi's number. "Please pick up....pick up...." she muttered under her breath.

At the event. Atemu was standing with Yugi and some of the duelist chatting when Yugi felt his his phone started buzzing. He saw it was Anzu calling. "Well you excuse me for a moment" Yugi spoke in a polite manner walking away to take the call.

Within a matter of Seconds Atemu's phone bleeped, upon taking it out he saw it was a message. Atemu's heart nearly stopped when he read it... "This ends tonight Sennen, Come to the old abandoned duel building at Domino high, if you refuse I have

something that is very precious that will be harmed.. and come alone!!

Atemu froze after hearing that chilling voice down the phone. How did Aigami even get his number even he was very protective of who he handed it too.

Yugi just then returned and seen his husband's face things where about get worse. "Atemu... the kids are gone we need to find them.

"Yugi was freaked out as much Atemu's whole world now came crashing down around him. Right now he had to go to find Diva, Atemu placed both hands on his husband's shoulders "Hold the fort, please I got to go."

He rushed off grabbing a duel disk on his way out the door.

Yugi looked at him scared "Atemu now isn't the time to run off our kids are missing for Christ sakes!!!!" Yugi Yelled 

but Atemu was gone.

Atemu jumped into one of Seto car's that sat in the private garage. " You know Seto wont be pleased if one of his car's get damaged." A voice spoke. Atemu looked to the passenger side to see Yami.

Atemu nearly jumped out of his skin he was just pulling out of the garage slamming on the brakes. "Fucking hell Yami!!! "

"Atemu just don't get yourself hurt jumping into this without letting Yugi and everyone else knowing what you're doing is foolish more so not telling anyone "he spoke .

"Well I was told to come alone....Now we need to go..!"

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