Chapter 2

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Atemu back away in fright, covering his mouth to stop himself from vomiting at the ghastly sight before him, he found himself panicking and freaking out.. his breathing was picking up pace as if he was taking a panic attack.

If anything about true crime stories had thought Atemu it was not to touch anything regarding a crime scene he couldn't check if his brother was alive there was blood everywhere...

it looked like Yami had tried to protect himself from the struggle but cost him his life it looked like he was stabbed in the chest and stomach.

Atemu rushed towards his room, grabbing his phone from is charger frantically scrolling threw his contacts till he found Yugi.

"Please pick up Yugi...please pick up" Atemu pleaded in desperation.

In the bridal suite, Everyone was in good spirits over the exciting baby news. Just then Yugi heard his phone ringing and saw it was Atemu's name flashing up on the caller ID.

" Hey everything okay? " Yugi answered walking away from the girls to take the call. Anzu then saw Yugi's expression changed very quickly.

"Whoa whoa Atemu slow down... take a slow deep breath. What's happened?" Yugi nearly dropped his phone his face went a white as a sheet. Anzu walked up towards him with a look of worry and concern. "Yugi?? What's wrong?"

"Anzu stay here with Nixie and Serenity."

"Yugi... What's going on??!" Yugi didn't answer her dashing off to find Atemu.

Atemu went back to the bathroom, he stood over his brother's lifeless blood covered body. He saw Yami's golden deck box lay smashed opened not far from him empty, the deck was gone.

"ATEMU!!" The sound of Yugi's voice filled the suite.

Yugi had noticed the trashed ransacked hotel room now. "Oh my gods....Atemu you in here?! "

Just then Yugi saw some movement coming from the bathroom doorway.

Yugi made his way over and immediately everything was about to become clearer now to why Atemu was screaming down the phone. "Atemu?! What the hell...." Yugi managed to speak, this time Atemu heard him turning to face him.

He was emotionally and physically traumatized.

"I only left him alone for a few miiiiinutes, he wanted something to calm his nerves, I-I don't know what to do I D-Don't........ Someone killed my brother!!! " Atemu wanted to scream at the top of his lungs instead he just broke broke down

he collapsed right in front of Yugi.

Atemu and Yami were close really close they did everything together as kids, Yami was the only blood family part from Seto. he had he didn't know how to cope.

He was trying to progress who would even want to hurt his brother like this he just completely went blank he felt Numb and cold.

Yugi cradled Atemu close to him, he should feel his shaking. His eyes studying the sight of his dead blood covered friend in front of him... he was trying to get his head around what had just happened.

Yugi was trying to stay strong for both him and more so Atemu who was in bits.

Then he realised he would have the break the news to his Sister. The very thought of having to tell his baby sister that her husband to be was dead and more so how could he tell her such news when she just found out she was expecting.

He knew the stress of this could do more harm to the baby.

Yugi stood for a second taking his phone out. "Who you calling....?" Atemu nervously asked.

"Atemu I'm not going to leave you on your own right now and I'm calling Seto... "he spoke calmly looking up at his boyfriend Atemu looked away from him then his face went even more white.

"Oh god Yugi..... Nixie... What do we tell her...."

Yugi could see the panic in Atemu as he placed a firm hand gripping on his shoulder to support him while the call was still connecting. " Atemu We'll tell my sister the truth she deserves T-That... "

He was cut off from When Seto answered.

"This better be important Motou! " Yugi winched slightly clearly Kaiba wasn't having the best time with the staff and it was just going to get far worse he felt Atemu flinch too.

"This is not the best time for the attitude Seto!! You better get here and fast. "he spoke calmly as best he could.

"LOOK MOUTO I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR STUPID GAMES!! Put Atemu on?! Did Yami do a runner or something!? "



For once Seto was speechless, all the colour drained from his face. "I'll be up in 5... You and Yugi best leave the room... and don't let anyone else in there is that understood until the police arrive." he told them.

Yugi understood the assignment of Seto's words both leaving the room keeping guard.

Atemu just slouched on the wall and slid down to sitting he didn't exactly want to move anywhere right now, Yugi finally let his emotions out letting his tears fall knowing just a few feet away from them was his sister who he has just seen a few moments ago looking very much the perfect blushing bride.

"Today was supposed to be a good day for everyone and to add to the joy finding out that I'm well we going to be an uncles...and Yami becoming a f-father" he muttered the last part just aloud enough for Atemu to hear.

Atemu gazed up towards Yugi his eyes widened. " Hang on Nixie is Pregnant?! When did you find this out?! " Atemu automatically sprung to his feet, his face went pale this made him feel so much worse

he would have been so excited but given the given situation he felt hopeless.

"Remember when Anzu called me early this morning that Nixie wanted to see me, she took a test found out this morning." Yugi explained "She was planning on telling Yami after the ceremony."

Atemu looked away from him for a moment to let the news sink in.

"Your sister won't be on her own Yugi, if she needs help I'll be there.... Yami would want that much at least. "His voice shaking trying to hold back his emotions.

Yugi wrapped his arms lovingly around his love. "Thank you Atemu" Just then Yugi saw Kaiba walk up the stairs with the security. "You two better leave this to me, does your sister know?" Seto questioned.

"Not yet.... we best tell her..." Yugi said gripping Atemu's hand. "Let's get this over with...." The two made their way to the bridal suite to tell Nixie and the others the bad news.

Outside the police arrived on the scene with paramedics, a strange hooded figure stood from afar watching the scene unfold, within the figure blood cover hand was Yami's deck. 

YU-GI-OH!!-Revenge....Till us do PartWhere stories live. Discover now