Chapter 4

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Little Heba stood watching at the window awaiting his Aunt and cousin's immediate arrival

Atemu had engaged himself into his work on his laptop again, still searching for answers on his brother's case. He knew there was something he was missing he glanced up at Heba briefly and smiled

deep down he was experiencing nightmares of that day.

Yugi had just walked in to the living room and saw his husband on his laptop again he knew he was still emotionally hurting but he couldn't live like this

he was worried about him and course he knew about the nightmares Atemu was having almost every night.

"Atemu? "He spoke softly,

"Yeah? "He mumbled his eyes still glued to the screen,

"Atemu please put the laptop away. The last thing my sister wants to see is that.... " he meant it in the nicest possible way. "Come on Heba time to get changed by the time your done they should be here?!"

Heba bounced to his mommy and got picked up.

Atemu closed the lid down on the laptop and decided to lock it away in a drawer. . He knew Yugi was right, Nixie didn't need to be reminded of what happened to her departed love. Atemu suddenly felt a cold shiver run up his spine but shook the feeling off.

Soon the sound of the door bell rang.

Yugi rushed to the door and beamed when he saw his sister and the twins. "Uncle Yugi!!!!" The twins cried joyful almost knocking him to the ground, Yugi laughed as he brought his niece and nephew in for hug.

"My little prince and princess, look at you both and how much you have grown."

Atemu appeared from behind placing Heba on the ground who was bounced over to them with excitement. The three young ones embracing each other. "I guess Your poor old Uncle not important enough for a hug? "

He joked, the twins upon hearing Atemu's voice rushed over to him "Uncle Atemu!!!". Atemu scooping his little niece and nephew up into his arms hugging them tightly before letting them go.

Nixie couldn't help but smile. "Nixie how you are." He smiled hugging his sister in law. "I'm fine, just glad to be home again."

Yugi had motioned them all inside to sit in the living room. Atemu pulled Yugi aside for a moment. "Say Yugi I was thinking you need to catch up with your sister, so I was thinking I'll take the kids for an hour and take them for Ice-cream."

The twins and Heba cheered overhearing the word ice cream being mentioned, Yugi chuckled giving his husband a small kiss on the lips. "Only if you're ok more so with handling all 3 young ones on your own?. "

Atemu looked surprised by this "I'll be fine Yugi, Now brother sister catch up time.. "he chuckled "Now you three Ice cream time."


Nixie stood in the door way. "Atemu one thing... The twins aren't allow Chocolate it can give them nightmares."

Atemu nodded to Nixie, "but of course I'm sure they're both tired but you guys deserve to catch up, you've not seen each other in a long time. "

Nixie gave both her children a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Now You two be good for uncle Atemu now? "

The twins gave a nod. " and remember your manners also.

"If you need anything I'm a phone call away Yugi said "he nodded

"I'm fine Yugi stop worrying about me, Come on you three and stay by my side I don't want you wondering off " he spoke as he left out the front door with the kids.

" I really worry about him Nixie, he hasn't been the same since Yami's well...." Yugi sighed sitting down on the sofa. Nixie gazed down towards the ground knowing exactly what he talking about... none of them had really gotten over Yami. " Yugi there is a another reason why I came back to Domino... I have thinking a lot about the events of that day and I don't think it was a simply break in, Someone planned that..."

Yugi frowned and was taking a back at his sister words, she was starting to sound like Atemu... " Nixie please don't... Atemu has been putting himself through hell the last 5 years don't you do the same..."

"But Yugi it doesn't make sense about the whole thing... Why was it Yami's Deck was the only thing the thief took and how did he know Yami was alone in that room."

Yugi knew deep down Nixie's had a point, Yami's deck been stolen didn't make sense to him either, he still remembered the amount of times

Atemu stated several times and to the police he was only gone for more than 20 minutes tops that didn't add up either.

"I understand that completely sis you want answers, so does Atemu more than anything, "He sighed once more. "he's has became obsessed with finding answers and every time he his a dead end with no leads...

Nixie please be careful that's all I ask of you I'm worried about you and Atemu. This whole thing is far to dangerous to get involved in."

Nixie stood up from the sofa and stood looking out the window. " Yugi me and Atemu know the risks... I hate to admit this but I asked Atemu if I could help him and Seto with their search."

This revelation came as bombshell to Yugi, Nixie could see the look of totally horror upon his brother's face.." Oh God's tell me your are joking."

"Yugi, the love of my life and the father of my children was taking from me... don't you think me and your husband deserve to know the truth, and what about you and our friends don't you think you guys deserve to know."

Yugi pondered he didn't want to rake up the past it was too painful for him to go through that day again. Nixie sat down beside her brother again. "Yugi, Yami was your best yet closest friend I want to know that your 100% behind me Atemu and

Seto. We have to know to so we can get some closure and more so for Yami". Yugi raised his head his eyes meeting hers he could see how much find the truth out meant to her and to his husband.

"Very well, your right but we must be really careful, the police never found who was responsible for his death." Nixie hugged her brother tightly. "Thank you big brother."

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