Chapter 16

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Yami's head shot up when he heard his name...normally she or anyone couldn't hear him, he could only communicate in dreams but right now he was glad she could. "W...What's happening...?

"You're ok my love.. don't worry you're going to be totally fine, you are in a hospital though....." he was panicking because it was late and he couldn't tell the nurses to inform them she was wake now...

Only person he could possibly go to was Atemu, but that was another mess entirely he didn't want him to have another fight with Yugi...

Nixie looked to him..." H..How did I get here... ?"

"Don't you remember?"

Nixie tried to think back to what happened her memory was a little cloudy.. " I remember being with Aigami at his place, we were talking about his dueling trophies. He brought me coffee and that's the last thing I remember...."

Yami was now concerned he placed his transparent hand on hers as he spoke " That's odd He came over to Yugi's place carrying you in his arms acting like the caring good Samaritan.."

"Weird How would he know where I lived I never told Aigami.." she said.

Just then something inside Yami's head clicked. "You said he gave you coffee?". Nixie nodded "Yeah, I remember taking a sip and I about to ask him about one of the trophies, it was from the school's duelling championships that year."

"The Dueling championships?" Yami quizzed. Nixie nodded slightly "Yeah... remember you, Yugi Atemu entered it was when we just started dating... the trophy he had said Runner up..."

Yami was now confused a runner up.. he pretty much won that tournament then he remembered. "There was a new kid that year that was in our class, He kept extremely quite barely spoke

we were just a year ahead of you and Yugi but you said runner up so that means I've duelled him before? "He paused just then a name came to mind. "The only other name I actually know of is Diva

but that surely can't be the same guy..."

"Well Aigami did tell me on the day we met his first name was Diva and that friends just called him Aigami, but maybe is just coincidence or something.. "Nixie said then she started yawning "I can't remember anything else my darling."

Yami had a bad feeling that Diva and Aigami was the one in the same person, he needed to have Atemu look into this somehow, He was worried for his brother he needed to make sure he was ok.

"You Sleep my love... I'll look into this and see if Atemu knows anything I need to make sure he's ok at least. " She nodded, Yami giving her a gently kiss then vanished to find his brother he just hoped he hadn't done anything stupid.  

Atemu was back in the Kaiba mansion sitting with Jonouchi, Kaiba was off away working on business. He was a wreck Jonouchi had just come back after sorting things out with Yugi and clearly Atemu wanted nothing to do with him at this moment. "Jonouchi I understand your trying to figure what's going on with me and Yugi and right now and I don't have a fucking clue if I'm honest, he's never blown up at me like that before and I think is best if I gave him some space I'm honestly not in the mood to be told that I should."

"Atemu come on man... his lil sister's in the hospital and you're trying to pick fights with someone that clearly helped her he's in a state."

"I'm not going insane Jonouchi; I've seen him before, I'm sure it was back in high school I just can't put a finger on who he actually is but He's is playing some sort of game of revenge that's for sure" Atemu said

YU-GI-OH!!-Revenge....Till us do PartWhere stories live. Discover now