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I eyed their expressions one by one as I adjusted my self on the one-seater and began my recount on what happened in the past ten years.


After Annabeth and I ended our engagement, I headed back to Rachel's cave and wished her and Nico goodnight.

After which I went back to my cabin to sleep the rest of the night away. Tomorrow I'd tell the Olympians that the wedding was off.

To my surprise, Hermes was sitting on my bed arguing with Martha and George.

"What's up?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.

"The gods wish to speak with you" he said simply, pocketing his phone

"About what exactly?"

He shrugged "Wish I knew"

I sighed and offered my arm so he could flash me to the Olympian throne room.

To my surprise it was silent, but I could tell the gods- especially Dad and Zeus- were in a heated mental argument.

"What did you want to speak to me about?"

They shared a look and Zeus stood, after a friendly shove from Hades.

"Perseus, we need you to become an Olympian" he said grandly, though his trembling fingers gave his nervousness away.

"You need me to what?"

"We know that you wouldn't want to live for eternity without your family and your future wife, but we've agreed to make them fully immortal" Hades said

"Um, I'm not engaged to Annabeth anymore" I mumbled

"...Huh?" They looked flabbergasted

"She broke up the engagement just a few minutes ago"

"No way" Hestia muttered, hands on he chest.

"But do I have a choice in this making me a god shit?" I asked

"No" they said in sync, creepy

"Then why do you want me to be a god so bad?"

"Dionysus can't continue with his punishment and there has to be someone who is capable of leading and training the demigods to be able to defend themselves" Hera explained "You were the only one suitable"

"Why's Mr D's punishment getting cut short all of a sudden?" I asked

"His punishment consists of his domain being restricted which has dire consequences to an immortal's immortal essence. If he continues his punishment it's highly possible he'll fade" Athena replied

"Oh" I nodded in understanding "But promise you'll not make my family immortal without their permission first"

"I already have Sally's approval" Dad said, his fingers tapping an irregular rhythm on the arm rests on his throne

"Then it's settled" Zeus said a wide grin on his face as he stood "Let's begin"

The gods circled me, arms outstretched, muttering ancient greek so quickly I couldn't catch a single word..

All of a sudden, a sharp pain reverberated through my cells, making me cry out. The muttering only grew louder and faster the more I screamed.

Then I blacked out.

I woke up in Apollo's temple, wincing at the absolute brightness of the room I was in.

Soon Apollo was by my side, checking my vitals and making sure I was alright.

PJO- The new godOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz