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I was hanging out at Rachel's cave with Rachel and Nico, chatting about nonsensical things, when Annabeth came in, her beautiful face stretched taut in a stiff expression.

"What's wrong, Wise Girl?" I asked, worried

"...We need to talk" she said in a low voice "Alone" she added, a pointed look at Rachel and Nico.

"Um, sure" I stood from RED's bed, slightly nervous and scared I had angered her again. Lately she'd been angry at me more and more frequently, for trivial reasons. I honestly don't know what's got her insides in such a tight twist.

I motioned for her to leave first, ignoring the sympathetic glances RED and Nico sent me, I didn't need it.

Once we were situated on the empty beach, my nerves calmed by the cool sea breeze, she turned to me, her brows furrowed tightly. "Percy...I don't think I can do this anymore..."

"Do what?" I asked, my throat suddenly contracting in apprehension

"...Nothing" she sighed, giving me a strained smile "I wanted to ask you how the wedding plans were coming about?" I grinned big at her question, my eyes drifting to the silver ring I had made for her a few months ago.

"Dite and Aunt Hera were more than happy to assume the role of wedding planners, even Arty's joining in" I chuckled "I've never seen an immortal so excited. They can't stop arguing with me about the theme colors"

"Is that so?"

"I wanted the theme colors to be baby blue and grey or silver" I shrugged "Or what do you think?"

"...What were their opinions?"

"They said I should pick colors like white, burgundy -whatever that is- or royal colors like purple, gold and the like" I rolled my eyes "They were talking about it for hours on end, but I don't mind since it's the process to finally marry the one I love"

She flinched at my wink and I frowned in worry "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked "You look pale"

"I'm fine Seaweed Brain" she said, rolling her eyes "Tell me more"

"...If you say so" I was still worried, but I know how she gets when I pry too much "They've already picked your wedding dress, it'll look gorgeous on you"

"...Can I see?"

"Nah, it's a surprise" I chuckled "Dite doesn't want you to see it until THE day, she hand-sowed it"

"Oh..." her eyes drifted to the gentle swell of the tides "They really didn't have to go through all that trouble"

"They said they were happy to go through all that, especially for a daughter of one of their 'sisters'."


"Mhm. And Arty too" I turned to look at her "Hera just kinda waved it off. She loves planning weddings"

"I see..." she sighed "Percy, I need your advice for something"

"What is it?" I subconsciously sat up straight. Annabeth never asks me for advice. Never. 

"...Say you had a friend...who was about to get married..."


 "...But had lost all feelings for their future spouse...what is your advice to the person?" she asked quietly, her gaze not straying from the sea

I mulled it over quietly, slightly confused as to why she asked. I eyed her awhile and sighed deeply "They should tell their partner. It would be more hurtful and problematic if they don't" I replied.

"...I see..." she breathed out "What if they've almost done with the preparations?"

"They should still tell them" I said, eyebrows furrowed "Communication is key"

"..." she finally turned to look me in the eye "Percy..."


"...I don' you anymore"



"...What?" I blinked

"I said I didn't love you anymore" she sighed "This was never going to work out. Never"

"What are you saying?" I was surprised I wasn't yelling or feeling the familiar boiling flame of anger. All I felt was...calm

"...I used you to get over Luke" she mumbled "I-I thought I could love you- really I did, but I've always been into older, more mature guys and well..."

"I'm not older or more mature" I finished "I get it"


"It's fine. I can't control your feelings and neither can you" I smiled and rose to my feet, dusting the white sand from my shorts "I'll just tell Aunt Hera the wedding's off" 

"Wait!" I paused and turned to look at her "You forgot this" in her palm was my ring. A silver band with a diamond heart surrounded by tiny emeralds in the middle. I smiled bitterly to myself and took it carefully from her open palm.

"Thank you" I whispered, unhooking my necklace to slide my ring alongside my camp beads. "I hope we're still friends though"

"Of course!"

"Great" I grinned again and walked away.


Here's another one~ Hope you like it.

This is my first Male Percy fanfic and I hope I didn't mess it up. 

If I did, please let me know in the comments~ 


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