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“I don’t get it!” Ryujin pouted after Lia’s explanation. It’s Monday evening and it’s their usual study session.  The professor shook her head. “ I’m sleepy now…” The pink haired girl added.

“It’s seven, Ryujin. We haven’t even finished an hour of studying.”

“I don’t want to study today.” Ryujin complained. “Let’s do something not boring!” She was pulled by the latter and was dragged out  of the study table. 

As the pink haired girl switched off the light, the evening sun had long set, and the room was now shrouded in darkness, save for the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. Lia sat on the bed, her legs crossed, her eyes gazing intently at Ryujin. She switched on the lamp on top of the bedside table.

Ryujin's playful nature always brought a breath of fresh air to their study sessions. She was a ray of sunshine, the kind of person who could make even the most mundane activities feel exciting. But today, Lia was finding it difficult to match Ryujin's enthusiasm.

And so, they found themselves on the bed, the latter's phone in hand and a mischievous glint in her eyes. Lia had never been one for games, but she was willing to indulge Ryujin's whims. She showed Lia a truth or dare app. Lia raised an eyebrow, not quite sure what to make of it, but Ryujin pressed the spin button, and the wheel spun until it selected a player.

"Truth or dare?" Ryujin asked, grinning mischievously. Lia hesitated for a moment, but eventually settled on the truth. Ryujin picked out a card, and read out the question.

"When was the last time you got drunk and made out with a stranger?" Lia's cheeks flushed crimson, and she looked away, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

"Can I say pass?" she asked weakly, but Ryujin shook her head.

"Come on, Lia, don't be a party pooper," Ryujin chided, her tone teasing. Lia sighed, and eventually admitted that it had been two years ago.

As the wheel spun and the game progressed, Lia found herself becoming increasingly uncomfortable. The questions and dares were becoming more and more risky, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out. But Ryujin was relentless, and Lia found herself unable to resist her charm.

The lady pressed the spin button and the roulette chose a player. Ryujin pressed the dare card and revealed her challenge. “ Remove your shirt and play with only your undergarment for the rest of the game.” It says. From that Lia realized that they’re not playing a normal truth or dare, and she knew Ryujin trapped her into this.

When Ryujin removed her shirt at the dare's behest, Lia couldn't help but stare. Her eyes roamed over Ryujin's chest, taking in every curve and dip. It was as if she had been struck by lightning, her body buzzing with a newfound energy.

But as the game progressed, Lia found herself becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the direction it was taking. The dares were becoming more invasive, more intimate, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep playing along.

"I'm sleepy," she finally muttered, hoping to put an end to the game.

“Not fair. Come on, this is the last one Lia.”  Ryujin muttered trying to convince the latter. “Unless you really hate me that much.”

The professor rolled her eyes. The game was making her lick the salt on the other player’s chest, take a shot, and eat the lime out of Ryujin’s mouth. “No, I’m tired.” She refused the temptation.

But Ryujin was persistent, and Lia found herself becoming more and more frustrated with each passing moment. It wasn't until Ryujin had finally given up and left the room that Lia was able to relax.

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