Five: Not that bad

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"You promised me Lia!" Yeji's voice echoed inside the room. Yeji doesn't like people who lies and broke promises, and Lia just made that mistake. The brown haired girl promised Ryujin to spend the saturday with her but Yeji didn't forgot about Lia's promised last week. "I hate liars... Lia, please spend time with me." She mumbled that made Lia feel guilty for forgetting about the promise.

Lia nodded unconsciously, she doesn't want to lose Yeji's trust. She's afraid that the latter might feel unwanted. She dialed Ryujin's number and luckily the short haired woman picked up the phone swiftly.

"Can't wait to see you!" Ryujin exclaimed as soon as she picked the call. Lia bit her lip, the two seems excited but she need to decline one's offer and she's already sure that she's gonna say sorry to Ryujin.

"Uhh... I made a promise to someone last week that I completely forgotten," Lia confessed. She then feel Yeji hugging her from behind, she turned her gaze at the mirror to see Yeji, looking uninterested and completely bored. "I'm sorry I can't be with you today."

Hearing those words Ryujin from the other line felt disappointed, she frowned. Lia could have tell her so she didn't need to waste her time and effort. Ryujin nodded even though Lia can't see her. "Okay." She whispered through the phone coldly as she can.

"Lia, I'm bored." Yeji stated, burrying her face to Lia's back.

Ryujin was about to end the call without saying goodbye when she thought of something. "Wait! Still in there?" The short haired girl questioned with full of hope.

"Yes?" Lia answered.

"How about, you bring the one who you promised with and then we three can spend time together?" Ryujin said with a wide smile even though Lia can't see it, she's hopeful that the professor would love her idea.

Lia on the other hand was hesitantly but still say yes. Yeji doesn't want any bother but it's Ryujin right? It's fine? Ryujin ended the call smiling like an idiot. She invited Chaeryeong last night but the redhead said she has something to do. That woman is being secretive and she somehow hates it.


"No..." She's not even finished but the brunette already declined. She tried to explain but the latter just blocked both of her ear using her hand. Lia frowned.

"It's Ryujin, she-"

"Hates me." Yeji continued, cutting off Lia. The brown haired girl furrowed her brows in confusion.

" She's not just familiar with you yet but if you both spend time together... Maybe she'll change her mind." Lia explained. The brunette sighed, knowing that the woman in front of her would win easily by just looking at her. Yeji nodded slowly in defeat, she knows Lia would be disappointed and she don't want that. Besides, it's Ryujin the girl Lia talks about almost everyday that she fell for, there is nothing to lose if she tries? Right?


"You?!" Lia stepped back as soon as Ryujin screamed in disbelief, while the brunette held Lia's arm in fear. They just arrived at the meeting place and Ryujin doesn't look okay seeing Yeji in front of her. The short haired woman murmured something that they can't hear and after that she smiled a little. "Let's go?" She said.

Yeji looked at Lia with a grimace face but the brown haired girl patted the brunette's arm gently whispering that everything will be ok.


The three arrived at Seoul Tesseum Teddy Bear Theme Park, 10:30 a.m. and Yeji's jaw dropped in awe. It was Ryujin's idea yesterday, they all seems like they would enjoy it.

Yeji's eyes sparked because of too much serotonin, she squeezed Lia's hand in excitement and Lia get it immediately. Ryujin
draw her camera out, can't wait anymore second to take pictures.

"This place is huge!" Lia commented and Ryujin look at her, she then took a picture of Lia, wandering with her eyes wide open in awe. A stolen shot for the most beautiful professor she have ever met. "Come on, you too! Let's explore this!" Lia grabbed both of the girls' arm.

They entered a maze of mirror with giant teddy bears inside.

Yeji touched one of the live size teddy bear with a smile plastered on her face, still can't believe and Ryujin saw it. She smiled on how naive the brunette looks like, she then ready her camera and lens and took a picture of her. Unfortunately it flashes and the brunette turned her attention to the short haired woman in shock. Ryujin cursed herself secretly, embarrassed. "I-i just want to... Take s-some memories." She reasoned

Lia smiled on herself and shook her, she grabbed her phone and took a picture of the two, she made sure that her flash is off.

Ryujin turned off the flash and took a picture of the still in shock brunette that made Yeji go back to her senses. Ryujin laughed a little and Yeji's ear heated. Unfamiliar of the feeling, she ran to Lia and buried her face into Lia's neck. Lia was shocked but she noticed how the latter blushed, she laughed contagiously that made Ryujin laughed also, while Yeji is dying from embarrassment.

"You two look great together." Lia praised.

"Let's start the maze!" Ryujin raised her arm with a wide smile.


Confusion, laughing and screaming contained the maze room. They spent almost half of the hour trying to figure out where to go.

"Next room!" Lia exclaimed as soon as they found the exit of the maze room. The two nodded excitedly.

"Winter..." Yeji whispered softly, the two look at her, she ran to the room, she cannot contain her smile. Ryujin look at Lia, and the brown haired woman just smile at her.

"Yeji's locked inside her room for many years." She said, Ryujin's jaw dropped. That reminds her of her sister.

"But why?"

"Problems." Lia simply answered and Ryujin nodded. They both ran towards her.

"No, snowflakes..." Yeji frowned. Ryujin immediately took a picture of her, and Lia laughed.

"This is just a museum, my kitty." Lia explained and Yeji pouted. Lia kneeled to level herself to Yeji who is currently sitting and pressed her lips into the brunette's cheek. Again the short haired woman smiled genuinely and took picture of the both ladies.

"Hey! Come here Ryujin, I'll took a picture of you two." Lia exclaimed and stood up. Ryujin didn't protest and sit with Yeji, hugging herself as if it's really cold. Yeji imitate her that made Lia laughed loudly, and the short haired girl laughed also that made the brunette confused.


'Not that bad' Ryujin said to herself, it's 7:00 pm already and they decided to go home. The three rode a bus and now they're saying their goodbyes.

"Take care Ryujin." Lia said.

"Take care Ryujin." The brunette imitate Lia shyly. Lia smiled and Ryujin nodded.

"Thank you, you too, take care. Hope you both enjoyed this day."

Lia and Yeji are now inside Yeji's room, Lia's helping the latter to sleep. She made the brunette a glass of milk, and now Yeji's drinking it.

On the other hand Ryujin is inside her room with a pen on her hand and a journal in her desk. Still wearing a smile that she cannot contain.

Dear Choi Jisu,

I enjoyed this day, the Tesseum Theme Park is really fun with the both of you. Thank you for spending time with me and thank you for bringing Yeji, I understand now that she's important for you. Remember the promise you made me that you'll help me? I'll help you too by taking care of Yeji when your not around. I'll also tell Chaeryeong to hang out with us, she's just busy earlier. I hope someday my sister would also join us you know? I remember my sister to Yeji. It'll be fun with the five of us hanging out together... Right professor?

Sincerely yours,
Shin Ryujin

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