Nine: Sibling

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After a long bath Ryujin decided to finally stepped out naked. The water from her body was dripping down the floor and her hands and feet were wrinkled because of being soaked in the water for almost an hour and half.

Seeing no one but a note displayed on the tv made her hissed. She read it and sighed.

" Yeji needed me. Already cooked dinner for you, eat and rest after. You can't miss another school day."

Sweet. She murmured in complete sarcasm.


"Good morning everyone." Lia entered the classroom and everyone panicked to seat. She always sounds and looks like a terror, strict teacher who will fail a student without any mercy.  Ryujin shrugged her shoulders, wondering how many aura does this professor has.

She furrowed her brows when she didn't spotted a tall figure of an annoying redhead. That girl is keeping something to herself and she hates it, she is a hundred percent sure that woman is being secretive to her. 

After class Ryujin entered her favorite café and ordered her usual drink.  She then catch a sight of Lia talking with the blonde, Lia refered as "her bestfriend". Sure... Just Friends. They were walking towards her direction and it annoyed her when Lia didn't even bother to say hi to her and just passed as if she was nothing. Maye she was busy talking with her "bestfriend" and she didn't noticed Ryujin. Ryujin rolled her eyes out og annoyance.

"You left me, now I have take care of someone." She heard the blonde laughed behind her.

" I mean, why bother to buy her if you don't want any burden." 

"Oh come on Minnie, I also don't know."

She was eavesdropping, kind of disappointed to Lia's answer.

"You should savor every moment with the girl you brought home you know... To finally move on?" She heard. Move on? To whom?

"I already moved on."  Lia sighed.

"With that tone? I'm not gonna believe you." Minnie laughed a little loud. " You are a freaking lover girl Lia. That brunette sure still owns your heart, huh?"

"You're unbelievable."

Ryujin was drowned in confusion trying to get a hint but she didn't get anything. Lia has an ex?


After a long tiring day, Ryujin was accompanied by someone. He said he is Lia's personal driver and that the professor told him to visit the apartment to drive Ryujin to school and accompany her to go home. Ryujin didn't protest, not wanting to be a pain in Lia's ass.

"Uhh Felix can you drove me first in a convenience store?"

"Miss Shin, Young lady told me to send you home as fast as I can. She have an emergency to discuss with you."

"She should have fetch me instead then." Ryujin rolled her eyes, the professor sure don't want humors. She was acting like she's invisible at her eyes. She heard the man laughing, eyeing her at the mirror.

"Young lady is a formal person, Miss Shin." He explained. " You must be her girlfriend?"

Her eyes widened upon hearing the sudden question. "No! I... I am her, uh... How do I say this..."


"How do you know?!" Ryujin shouted in embarrassment and the man laughed.

"You're wearing a uniform miss Shin and I am completely aware that young lady is a professor in the school where I picked you up. I am her personal driver."

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