Seven: Mommy

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Ryujin watched the brown haired girl, tie her hair into ponytail. (I'm sorry, just imagine Lia is brown haired on the picture T-T) She can't move any joints because of embarrassment, and she can also feel the heavy atmosphere between the young professor and her. Although she can't deny  the fact that the young professor looks ravishing tonight. She glanced at the wall clock for her to see that it's already eleven. The night is getting deeper as she look at the big glass window. The bar from below is already quiet, maybe the people are already drunk and probably feeding their needs this time. Their only source of light is the violet led lights and all thanks to the moonlight, it gave Ryujin the source of light she needed to see Lia's flawless back clearly. 

She averted her eyes when she saw Lia raising her brow on the mirror while removing her make up. The latter caught her staring! Her cheeks turned bright red when she remembered what happened earlier. Why did I even thought of that...

"We definitely need to talk." Lia broke the silence and she nodded like a puppy. "First of all, why are you in here?"

Ryujin opened her mouth but she couldn't reach any words to say. She sighed and bowed her head down. Lia definitely looks lowly to her now.

"Ryujin," She was stunned at the sudden change of Lia's tone. It became soft and honeyed, it was enchanting.

"My parents, they made me perform in here but yesterday I was kicked out of the house and my sister needs my help. So I decided to... Finally sell my body just like what the manager wants me to do a long time ago. I need the money to get my sister and live with her in peace." Ryujin explained in defeat. She took a glance at the latter and she saw it standing on front of her with pitiful expression displayed in her face.

"You could have told me..." Lia said but Ryujin smiled bitterly.

"Don't pity me. I don't need anyone's sympathy." She stated hardly, that made Lia sighed loudly.

"Ryujin... You almost  sold your body to someone who you don't fucking know." Lia tried her best to stay calm and speak lowly. The short haired girl, look up and Lia saw tears flowing down her face. Although Ryujin can't see clearly because of her blurry vision, she tried to stand up and approached Lia. The brown haired girl step back again and again until they both reached the end of the room.

"It is way more better than seeing my sibling in pain and living in the streets professor!" She shouted with sarcasm and pain. " You don't know how hurt I am because you can just buy anything, even a person's worth." Ryujin pointed her index finger to Lia harshly, breathing heavily. The latter can see the rage and madness in the short haired woman.

"You should be thankful I was the one who bought you—"

"WHY WOULD I?! YOU WILL USE ME FOR YOUR NEEDS AND EVERYTHING, BE YOUR FUCKING SEX SLAVE FOR ALMOST A YEAR AND YOU WANT ME TO THANK YOU?!" Lia was speechless when the latter pushed her hard and Ryujin punched her fist on the wall that made her flinch and closed her eyes involuntarily.

"Get off me... Ryujin," Lia's breathing became unstable as the mad pink haired girl's face is just few inches away from her.  "Control yourself."

"How... Can I—" Lia cut her off by putting her palm on Ryujin's mouth and covered it. She then grabbed the latter's waist, who's still stunned. The short haired girl's eyes widened when the shorter girl switched their position and pinned her to the wall.

"Shhh..." Lia whispered. She can't handle too much noise and it's the only way to stop the latter on grumbling words. "We can talk calmly, Shin Joanne." She pinned her body to Ryujin and whispered before she removed her hand at Ryujin's mouth.

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