This is it Part 1

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Well I'm glad you got the Omnitrix Max." Xylene said as they had been warming up in the ship. The Recruits were in a separate room as they spoke.

"About that." NRG Max said "Listen I...let me change first."

Max tapped the Omnitrix and it started blinking before a flash.

Max tapped the Omnitrix and it started blinking before a flash

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Oh uh sorry I was..." Max stopped when he felt something in his head.

Xylene's licked her lips as her Tendrils started twitching.

Max suddenly had an entirely new context back during their early dates. Each twitch and noise had translated and he now answered back. Green glow met Purple and the two had started getting deeper into it.

"Max..." Xylene had officially been given the full contact of Max's feelings with the new form.

"Xylene...holy shit what is this...why am I..." Max's Eyes started glowing and lifted her up.

Xylene responded by gesturing to the door and clenching her fist warping the lock. "I'm not a young woman anymore but I ain't made of glass."

"I'll still be gentle darling." As he was tackled.

Elsewhere on the ship

"Anyone feeling brave enough to try and check if Magister Tennyson is alright?" Pierce asked.

"Dude's found his girlfriend and in a confined space." Manny said "I ain't touching that damn camera if my life depends on it."

"I mean..." Helen started before reaching for Her Father's Badge "Magister Tennyson-"

A growling hiss from Xylene before the sound of stumbling and the Badge hitting the ground before getting picked up. "Sorry Kids, mission first. Xylene we'll finish this- *SLAM* *RING*-later..."

"Can we just make it to HQ?" Pierce asked.

It was a few minutes until Max returned in an alien form they hadn't recognized but only in a pair of pants that seemed hastily put back on.

"Sorry kids...old feelings mixed with a 17 year olds body..." Max said as he started flipping switches and going through the start up for the whole ship from the driver seat.

"So wait your in Ben's body?" Alan asked.

"I'm in Ben's alien form." Mentacle Max said as the tendril on his head wiped his eyes as he blinked "Holy hell...I'm sorry kids we'll return to HQ and you guys can be dismissed for the day."

"So that's why you two looked the same." Alan said.


"Magister Sir would it be improper to request you to never turn into XLR8?" Helen asked.

"Don't worry Wheels I'm not gonna make a habit of using the Ultimatrix for missions." Max said.


Helping Gwen 10Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ