The guy in the mask.
"What do you want freak?" I crossed my arms over my corset dress.
He stalked closer to me slowly, his hand brushing my cheek.
That's when I knew what he wanted. This would be perfect. It would get Rafe off my back.

So I played along, one thing led to another and I ended up pushed against my bathroom side, looking in the mirror as his hands dipped under neath my dress.
I didn't even know who this was- but somehow I felt safer then I should.
His hand dipped into my panties, my head fell back against his shoulder.
Curling his fingers inside me I started to buck my hips into his hand more and more.

"Fuck-" I whispered, looking in he mirror as he fucked me on his fingers.
"Let's take this off" that's when he rips open the front of my dress, exposing my breasts.
"Rafe?!" I question quickly as one of his hands gripped my breast, the other pulling my panties to the side to continue.

I grabbed the mask, revealing who it was underneath.
"Rafe-" I breathed out slowly as I arched my back, his fingers curling inside of me just like before.
My jaw clenched as I tried to suppress the pleasure he was giving me as his thumb slowly moved to my clit.
"What are you doing" i whimpered slightly trying to pull his hand off my breast.
This was wrong. This wasn't the plan.
"You think I'd let him touch you?" I knew who he meant. Elijah.
"I hate you! Stop-" I moaned slightly as my eyes scrunched up not wanting to watch myself get off to Rafe in the mirror.

"You don't have to like me to enjoy this" he kissed my neck once and I groan pushing away from him with force.
"You want me to stop?" He asked, stopping his movements slightly.
"You weren't meant to be you-" I was almost annoyed that my plan didn't work. That it was Rafe under the mask.
"Oh- so you really do think I'd let some fucker from the cut or some dick that dances on ice touch you?" He almost laughed , his fingers slipping out of me.

I pushed my dress down and start doing up my corset best I could but it was hard to do up because it was so Dainty and I didn't want to break it.
I could feel Rafe's eyes on me, it made my hands almost work faster but it wasn't working properly I couldn't do it up.
This was so embarrassing-
That's when he stood up straighter, slapping my hands away, my chest being exposed to him once again, his smirk was bigger then ever.

"I like it better like this" he commented as I scoffed dismissively, He started to do up the corset, slower then any normal person would.
I huff in frustration, I wanted to slap him. He thought he owned me. I was aloud to do whoever or whatever I wanted.
"Oh I'm sorry? Want me to go get Elijah?" He hummed patronisingly as he left it undone where my cleavage was.
His hands up in surrender "asshole" I shook my head doing the last bit up, at least I could actually see the ties now.

"So why did you bring Elijah? You've barely been with him the whole night? Getting cold feet? Or are you looking for some pogue from the cut to entertain you for the night?" Rafe's jaw tenses as he mentions his name.
"I don't belong to you! If I want to get fucked by some loser from the cut or some stuck up coked up country club boy then that's none of your fucking business!" My breathing was heavy, I wasn't just sexually frustrated now but  angry with myself that I wanted him to continue.

"I don't own you- your not my property Olivia. I just know that no other man under this roof right now deserves to touch you" his eyes squinted slightly as he spoke.
"What and you do?" I actually laughed, my arms crossing over my chest.
"Yeah. I do." He nodded his head, a slight smile displayed on his face as he spoke.

"That isn't your decision to make-" I went on and he looked down at his shoes almost smirking.
"I've done everything you've wanted for fucking years Olivia. You want to pretend you hate me? Go right ahead. But I'm always the one you come to when you've got a problem" he stalked closer and my heart beat picked up.

"Bullshit" I scoffed humorously as I stepped to the side not letting him cage me in this time.
"Really? Who do you call when Topper's gone on a mad one or he's upset? Not your parents. God forbid you actually speak to them!" He raised his voice and I push him. He stumbles slightly but finds his footing fairly quickly.

"You care about Topper- nearly as much as me. I call you because he trusts you. I do it for Topper. You don't want to help? Fine. Done. Don't fucking answer the phone" I could feel my face heating up from anger.
Who was he to talk about my parents, it isn't his place to judge.

"That's not what I meant and you know that" he pointed at me gently as he leaned against my bathroom window facing me with his arms crossed, sitting on the ledge ever so slightly.
"It isn't all about you! I helped you get away from your dad! I helped you get sober! So don't just pretend that I'm the one needing you to save my ass" my nostrils flared slightly.

His jaw clenched as he shock his head a little "you did that for Topper remember" he smirked like he'd just caught me out.
"Just- leave alright. I don't know why you insist on pissing me off, just because we fucked once" my hands ran down my face in annoyance.
"When Liv? When will you let anybody help you? Or even fucking know who you are, other then you being known as Topper's older , up tight sister?" He shrugged his shoulders generally asking.
"I don't have the fucking privilege! You have no fucking idea!" My heart hurt as my eyes got glassy but I refused to let one tear slip out.

"I've defended you to people- for Topper. People you went to school with- they say things. Things that get around that would fucking destroy Topper. But you don't help yourself! You let them lie because your what? ' Too busy'?" I stand there almost stunned at what he was saying.
"You think I care what some assholes from the club or high school say about me? That's a them problem. If you believe anything that comes out there mouth then your just as dumb witted as they are" I swallowed as I glared at him.

"I- I fucking did believe them! Hell I was saying the same fucking things! But-" he stood up fully, shaking his head almost like he couldn't find the words.
"What? Now you've fucked me so you feel differently? How charming" my fist clenched so tight it felt like my fingers were gunna fall off from lack of blood circulation.

"No. I- my opinion changed when I realised I have no real idea of who the hell you fucking are" he breathed out slowly, like I was such a mystery. I wish he just would leave.
"You never have! You never will! Just like the same air heads at the club" my jaw clenched as I said it.

"Miss perfect. Bitch. Stuck up. Rude. Fake. Patronising. Conceited. That's the sort of things Topper has to hear about his own danm sister. He hears these things and thinks half of them are true. He doesn't know why you don't go out. Socialise. Experience things! No one fucking does!" his face was flat as he spoke.
My heart was aching "you have no fucking idea what I've had to do! To fucking make sure he's happy-" I stopped myself realising what he wants.

He's doing this so he 'knows me'
So he can know things that others don't. Use it against me. That's who Rafe Cameron is.
"Then tell me!" He snapped back, shrugging almost in disbelief.
I stood straighter, rolling my shoulders back "there's nothing to tell. You really should be getting back to your date" my voice was dull as I spoke. Not interested in this conversation anymore.
He scoffed "fine- keep pretending. It seems like that's the only personality trait you have" shaking his head as he walked past me and back out to the party.

I shut my bathroom door locking it and sitting on the floor against it.

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