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TIME SKIP........

Its been a week since I have introduced Jin oppa and all the other members to my bestfriends and somehow they both are very much free and comfortable around the members. HELL they hang out almost everyday! That was not what I was expecting when I introduced them, ok to be honest I expect Mia to be like an open book to them but never expected Dahyun be comfortable around them this quickly I mean it took me almost a year to be close to her and for the members it took only a few min!? Ok I admit I am getting jealous.....


Luna didn't realise that she had been staring at the members and her two bestfriends for quite a long time until Jin calls her.
"Luna....luna....luna!" - Jin
" Ye...yeah?" - Luna
" Where are you zoning out? Did you listen to what I just asked?" - Jin
" Sorry what did you asked again? " - Luna
" I asked you to change your clothes we are going somewhere" - Jin
" Where are we going? And wait why are YOU all dressed up? " - Luna
" Come on Luna I will be gone next week for three months!! I want to spent more time with you for a week!" - Jin
Hearing this Luna's ears turn red and her heart started beating fast now Luna was sure that she has an heart disease and decided to go visit her brother's hospital again.
(A/n: Yeah sure and get kicked out by your brother again)

As Luna went upstairs to change all the members and mia and dahyun gathered around Jin.
"So hyung you finally decided to make a move?" - Namjoon.
"Yeah cause if I don't now then I don't think I will be able to open a new chapter in my life" - Jin
Hearing this the maknae line and Mia and Dahyun started cheering. In the middle of the chear they didn't even notice that Luna was already downstairs and looking at them weirdly.
" Why are you all shouting?" - Luna
Hearing Luna everyone turn towards her.
" Shouting?! Yah! This is called cheering and not shouting!" - Mia
" Ok whatever oppa let's go " - Luna
Without even hearing what her bestfriends we talking about Luna went outside.
" Hyung tell me everything after you come back okay?" - Taehyung ( with Jimin and Jungkook on the side with shining eyes)
" Why don't you all start looking for your own instead of being curious of my love life?" - Jin
" Ah....Hyung !!! So mean!!!!" - maknae line
Jin just went outside ignoring the protest that was going on behind him and saw that Luna was already inside the car and applying makeup. Jin smile as he also went inside the car.
" You are preety even without makeup" - Jin
" That's because I always apply light makeup at home too " - Luna
( A/n : what a mood killer)

Hearing her response Jin was shocked at first then started laughing as he started the car. Meanwhile Luna look at Jin with a confused expression with ' why are you laughing ? '. Jin looked at her and found her extremely cute he just smile and said " nothing"

Soon they reach their destination which was a cinema hall. Yup, a movie date. Luna was like a cute curious child as she was fascinated with everything.
" This is my first time in a cinema hall" - Luna
" What? You have never been here?" - Jin
" Yeah I mean whats the use of coming and waste our money when we can watch any movie we want for free at home?" - Luna
" Today you will know the fun of watching movie at cinema hall" - Jin
" You wait here lemme go and get the ticket " - Jin
As Jin went to get the ticket Luna was exploring everything that was present there and looking around like a curious child.


Soon Jin oppa came back and we both went towards our respective hall. We both found our seat and sat there. After sometime the movie was about to start but the hall was empty except us. Slowly Jin oppa started to take off his mask and hat, while I started panic.
" What are you doing!! What if someone recognises you!!"
" Umm but who will? There is no one except us here. Plus I rented the whole hall." Jin oppa said and I don't why I was not surprised at all.
" Why rent the whole hall? If you wanted to watch a movie then we could watch it at home instead of wasting money here " I said as I was feeling it was not worth wasting that much money only for a movie.
" For you this money is nothing just enjoy" Jin oppa said and I don't know why for some reason my heart started beating very fast and loudly, hell even my face feels hot now.

The movie starts, it was a romantic movie, it was about a lover who were childhood friends but was seperated and after 20 years they met again and like a miracle they were able to recognise each other again. It is a beautiful love story. They started kissing suddenly and now I take back it is a dirty love story, I mean why are you eating each other face making me uncomfortable. I glanced at oppa but he was very calm. Suddenly I felt oppa's hand touching mine as we both were taking the popcorn at the same time. I withdraw my hand very quickly as I feel my face super hot and my heart beating like crazy right now. But oppa was very much calm, wtf? Am I the only one who is feeling like this right now? Nevermind lets focus on the movie again, just are I was about to focus on the movie again oppa suddenly started to reached out for his drink which was on my side which means he is practically hugging me right now. *Sigh* now I don't think I will be able to focus on the movie anymore and its all Jin oppa's fault.


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