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The next morning Luna was the first one to wakeup when she open her eyes the first thing she saw is Jin. Luna started to panic and soon calm herself down as she remembered that she fall asleep while talking. Luna stared at Jin and thought ,'well it is not that bad to see his face every morning'. Luna smiled a little but soon stop smiling when she felt her heart beating very fast and it is increasing the more she stare at Jin. " What is happening to me? I think I should go to doctor today. Yes, I will go to doctor after my class." Luna said to herself after glancing at Jin one last time before she went to her room.

Luna came downstairs after getting ready only to see Yoongi in the kitchen making something. Luna went inside the kitchen and said," Good morning! You are early today pale face". Yoongi didn't even realise that Luna just called him pale fave and greeted het back," Good morning Lu- wait what did you just called me?" Luna just said casually as if it was her normal thing," Pale face" Yoongi was stunned as it was th first time someone had called him pale face. " This is the first time that someone is calling me 'pale face' " said Yoongi. Luna pause for a second before chuckling and continuing making her coffee and said," oh, well now you do and I will be calling you pale face from now on as you are REALLY pale" Yoongi just chuckle and said," whatever" before going out of the kitchen with a plate of pasta in his hand.

Luna made her way to Jin's room with two cup of coffee in her hand. As she entered the room she saw that Jin was still sleeping she sighed and kept the cup at the table and proceed on waking up Jin. After many attempt of waking him up she finnally succeed as Jin opened his eyes but soon closed, pulling Luna on top of him as Jin hugged her tightly.

Luna was shocked as she went blank for a min but she still hugged him back and it went on for another hour. Now Luna was starting to have difficulty in breathing. So she just pinched hardly on Jin's arm which made Jin wake up instantly and letting go of Luna.

Luna sighed as she could finally gat some air but there still was a part of Luna that were disappointed at letting go of Jin. Even after letting go of Jin Luna's heart was not calming down as she saw Jin whinning and trying to get Luna back in his arms. Luna cleared her throat and said ," I have made your coffee and it is beside the bed so wake up and drink it." After saying that Luna take her own cup of coffee and went towards her room.
(A/N: please they look lika a married couple help! ><)

When Luna came downstairs after getting ready for her class she saw that Jin was already down and was enjoying his coffee while others were enjoying their breakfast. Jin was the first one to notice Luna and saw Luna was already dressed up and ready to go. He frowned while seeing that he asked," Where are you going?" Luna looked at Jin confused and said," umm school....?" Now all the members have already notice Luna and Jin's frowning even more now. "Without your breakfast?" Asked Jin. Luna replied," well I did have my morning coffee so yeah its more than enough." Jin was silent for a second before he stood up and storm upstairs while saying," Wait for me here."

Now Luna haa been waiting for five minute already. Her class was from 10 in the morning and it was already 9.55. As Luna was about to call Jin. She saw Jin coming down after getting change. Luna asked," where are you going?" Jin simply replied," I am gonna drop you to your school and you can't say no, so let's go aren't you getting late?" Before Luna could say anything Jin had already gone so Luna had no choice but to go with Jin.

Luna reached school at 10.30 as Jin wanted her to eat her breakfast so he drove the car to a cafe first making Luna missing her first class. As they both reached her school Luna saw that all the students were looking at her side which is Jin's car. So she make Jin wears his mak and cap when Jin tried to get out of the car Luna stoped him and said," what do you think you are going you freaking bastard? Have you forgotten that you are freaking famous? How dare you try to get out of you car? Don't even try to get out of the car and just start driving as soon as I get off the car and if you do something stupid I promise I W.I.L.L F.U.C.K.I.N.G. K.I.L.L. Y.O.U you understand?" Jin could really feel that Luna could really kill him and he had already annoyed her enough so he just remain still and kept nodding his head to every word Luna was saying. Just as Luna told Jin as soon as Luna get off the car he started the car and was about to drive whe he opened his car window and shouted," LUNA I WILL COME TO PICK YOU UP SO TEXT ME WHEN YOUR CLASS FINISHED" Jin drove as fast as he could after he saw Luna turning back and making her way towards him.


Today was the worst dat of my life cause of certain someone. Now everyone at the school is asking me who he was but me being me I didn't wanted them to know so I kept my mouth shut and me not saying anything make the thing even worse. Apparently Jin's cad which we came in the morning is one of the most expensive car and now they think that I seduced some big shot and Jin is my sugar Daddy. If only they know Jin is my soulmate and not 'Sugar Daddy' and I myself belongs to a rich family they would faint with so much information. 'Sugar Daddy'?! Me ?! huh!  I think the 'sugar daddy' is the one who needs me! *Sigh* This all happens cause of that dumb Superstar. THE FIRST THING I WILL DO AFTER I REACH HOME IS KILL YOU KIM SEOKJIN!

*Time skip*

Right now I am at my doctor chamber amd for some reason I don't know why he is glaring at me..... I mean he was so much concerned when I said that my heart was feeling weird and asked me a bunch of questions which I answered truthfully.

" So you are telling me that your heart beats fast whenever you are around your soulmate?" The doctor said which I nodded my head. "Thats a very nonsense reason for visiting me" and I snapped" Is my illness a nonsense to you brother!?" Yes this fucking doctor is my brother my own fucking brother. My brother sighed as he said," You know what you are hopeless..... SO DON'T COME TO ME UNTIL YOU FOUND YOURSELF WHAT ARE YOU FEELING! NOW GET LOST!" and with that he chased me out of his cabin leaving me even more confused.


Hey! I am back and so sorry I didn't update it and thankyou so much for all the love and support and HAPPY NEW YEAR although I am late but its freaking 2023 now time do flies.....

I FOUND MY SOULMATE #1 (K.S.J) Where stories live. Discover now