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It has been month since my brother kicked me out and also a month since my father came to know about Jin oppa but strangely he has been silent but that is not important now. The most important thing is MY TWO BESTIES FOUND OUT ABOUT JIN OPPA AND RIGHT NOW THEY ARE GLARING THE HELL OUT OF ME!!! SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE!!!

3 hours ago,

I was happy to start a new day and it's really strange cause normally I will not be so happy about starting a new day. But today there is a feeling that there will be something interesting happening today.


Right now I am at my class and so far nothing has happened and I am getting very much bored. I mean who the hell like class!? Okay except the bookworms, cause I don't like them AT ALL!

(A/N: Thats actually my personal feeling about the classes *ahem* )

After 45 min which felt like 45 years the class was finally over and I finally got my freedom back! As I went out the class I saw my two besties already waiting for me. I smiled as I ran towards them and now we are heading towards our next class. Finally a class with them and I am telling you class with them means fun cause it can never ever be boring.


Now we are at the cafeteria chatting and laughing when my phone suddenly started buzzing and I saw Jin oppa calling me making me feel suddenly scared cause everytime he calls me nothing good happens.

The conversation below are the conversation between Luna and Jin on the phone

" Hello....?"
" Oh Luna-ya I am infront of your school right now can you come out for a sec if you are not busy right now?"
" WHAT!" I looked around as I shouted a little loudly......ok very much loudly...." what are you doing here!"
" Cause I have something to say...?"
"IF.....if you have something to say then you can just say it later when I come home!"
" That's.....true but I wanted to say it to you first..."
" Ok ok I am coming and don't you dare do something weird untill I reach there and! make sure you are in a proper disguise so that no one recognise you"
"Ok ok jezz sometimes I wonder whether you are my soulmate or my manager...."
"What did y- he dare hang up on me!"

After the phone call

"Was that your soulmate?" Mia asked me and I just nod my head as I start packing me bag and picking up my plate as I shouted at them before leaving " yah I am going first and don't wait for me!"


Now me and oppa are at a cafe and I can see oppa hesitating to say something now I am feeling uneasy.  A few minutes passed but we are still sitting in silence me staring at oppa and oppa avoiding my eyes. Now this is getting annoying. I just sighed and said," oppa we have been sitting like this from the past 15 min don't you say that you have something to say to me?"
" Uh....that....Luna.....that...."
I just held his hand and yeah I myself don't know from where the courage of holding his hands came up to me but it did so yeah.
" Oppa don't be nervous and say it I will just listen quietly....although I doubt it ".
" Umm Luna I will be gone for 6 months"
"6 months?? Where are you going?"
" I have a tour coming up and it will last upto 6 months"
" Ohh its only this and I thought something big happen ofcourse it is given you are a part of one of th most popular boy band so ofcourse you will be going on tour you could also have tell me after I come home"
" Then you will not the first one to know about it"
"Now I am confuse does the other member doesn't know yet?"
Oppa suddenly started chuckling and just at that moment the waiter came up with our drinks and as oppa take off his mask to drink it I heard a very familiar voice," Luna WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Its been 2 minutes and both my besties are glaring at me. Oppa came beside me while the both of them are sitting infront of me and glaring at me. Oppa suddenly come near me and whispered," I have already asked you to introduce me to them but you are the one who rejected me, if you had already introduced me then this would not have happened now suffer". And the most annoying part was he showed he is tongue and smile like the most innocent person on this planet.

"What would you both like to drink?" Jin oppa ask and I knew what you was trying to do so I held his arm tightly and said while greeting my teeth.
"I don't think they want a dream now so it's okay oppa" but unfortunately before oppa could say anything Mia said," How do you know there we don't want a drink I would like one iced Americano and Dahyun what about you?"
"Uh.... Same as her"
Jin oppa smile as he left to give the orders. Before going he f****** winked at me and went away.

Now we are alone and as soon as oppa went Mia started so "how do you explain this?"
" Uh... Actually.....yeah.... I have nothing to explain..."
" What do you mean by nothing to explain!? what were you doing holding hands with him!? did you forgot that you have a soulmate? okay I know that you hate the fact about having a soulmate but this is not right..... Luna-yah why are you doing this huh?" Mia said.
"Wait wait hold on so you are angry with me because you thought I was having affair with oppa behind my soulmate back?"
"Yes... why? am I wrong?" Mia said
Okay I know I should not laugh at this point but this is too funny I can't help but laugh and I can see that both of them are very much confused now.
" Why are you laughing so much? What happen when I was not here?" Jin oppa asked as he come back with their drinks
"Oppa she thought we were having affair behind my 'soulmate' back" I said as I was still struggling to control my laugh.
"WHAT!" Jin screamed and I am laughing even more now.
" Ahem* well I guess its my fault for not introducing myself properly. Hello I am kim Seokjin Luna's soulmate"
"WHAT!?" I can see both my bestie have got a very big shock in their entire life.
" Yes you both heard it right. He, kim Seokjin is my soulmate and I am not having 'affair' behind my soulmate back."
" Then when you said that you found your soulmate at the concert you didn't mean a fanboy but....." Dahyun said and as expected of her.
" Yeah, I was not bonded with a fanboy but with the idol himself".
" Then the person who drop you to college is....." Dahyun said again connecting the dots.
" Yeah it's me" Oppa said admitting it. Now amazingly both Mia and Dahyun are in sink now like right now both have their mouth hung open and need me to close their mouth.
" Close your mouth or else a fly will enter "
" Yah but why didn't you tell us?"  ----- Mia
" Huh? I did. Didn't I told you guys that I have found my soulmate? " ------ Luna
" I didn't mean that I meant about who the person was" ------ Mia
" Yes, tell the reason to them. I did asked you to introduce me to them but you scold me so much " ------- Jin
" *Scoff* what you really expected me to introduce him to you both after knowing who he was and about the obsession that you both have you of him? no never " ------- Luna
" Oh come on- wait what you don't even trust us! " ----- Mia
" You really though we would do that" --- Dahyun
" No I didn't " ------ Luna
" Exactly as I th- " ----- Mia
" I was sure that you both will do it" --- Luna
After I said that there was an exact 5 min silence except the sound of me sipping my drink.
" Woah... I am speechless.... Yah! We have known each other since we were a chile how can you think like that of us" Mia said.
" We have known each other since we were chile that's why I didn't introduce you both to him". I can see disbelief in both of their eyes after hearing what I just said.
" Yah! Won't I be sure after I have saw you both fangirling over BTS since their debut and reading each member fanfiction and whenever that.....what was that again..... Yeah y/n this y/n person tries to hide the relationship you both getting frustrated and saying' you are really going to hide it!? If it were me I would have shouted from a hill or something so that the whole world know about us' huh?"
" Woah you know this is the first time I have seen you talk so much since I know you" Jin oppa said well I can understand as I never talk unless it is necessary.
" Okay we accept it and forgive you but! " Mia said and Dahyun began afterwards " we want to see each and every members !" Followed by Mia again " right now!" I am this close at killing them right now. Just as I was about to say something oppa interrupt me and said " Let's go". Now all three of us confused, I asked " where?" " Didn't your friends wanted to meet the members? Let's go to the dorm" oppa said casually making all three of us shocked and screamed at the same time " WHAT!?"

I FOUND MY SOULMATE #1 (K.S.J) Where stories live. Discover now