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" Dahyun this is not a dream right?"
" Yes it is not a dream, We really are infront of BTS dorm and Namjoon really is infront of us inviting us in"
" O MY GOD!!!!" both Mia and Dahyun squealed making Luna groaned as she said " can you both stop and start acting like a normal human being? " Luna just went straight inside dragging Jin with her after she said that.
Namjoon just stand there awkwardly. He invited the squealing duo inside as he also followed them inside.
Mia and Dahyun saw Luna and Jin on the couch cuddling each other, Luna asleep and Jin staring at Luna with love pouring from his eyes.
" Woah look at her sleeping peacefully after exploding an atom bomb " Mia said.
" I know right, so this is how it feels like to finally found a soulmate " Dahyun said as she stared at them with envious eyes.
" What! Yah! Did you even hear what I just said? You are not suppose to envy them you are suppose to agree with me! " Mia said.
" When am I going to meet mine? " Dahyun said as she continue staring at them.
" YAH!" As Mia screamed Luna groaned causing Jin to glared at her as he picked up Luna and went upstairs. Now Mia was feeling a little guilty.
" Ahem* well we were actually gonna eat so will you both like to join us?" Namjoon said with a sweet smile making his dimples visible. Dahyun was just about to decline when Mia interrupted her and said," sure, I was hungry anyways." With this Mia just went leaving both Namjoon and Dahyun in an awkward situation.
"Um... So let's go?" Namjoon said to Dahyun in which Dahyun just gave him a smile with a nod.

When they both reach at the dining table they saw the members laughing and talking with Mia which doesn't amazed Dahyun at all as she know how Mia is, a social butterfly. But for Namjoon it was not the same with him as he was shocked at how his members were already open up with Mia he was even more shocked at how Jungkook were even more chatty then the normal days as Jungkook does not get along with strangers at first. But in other way Namjoon was happy that his members liked her. Soon both Dahyun and Mia joined them at the dining table. After sometime Jin came down and saw his members having a great time with Luna's friends he smile and went towards them.
" I am taking mine and Luna's food upstairs we will both eat at my room. Enjoy your dinner" Jin took his and Luna's food with him as he gave a little bow at Luna's friend before going upstairs again.

Soon the members finished their dinner and some member already went towards their room after the dinner as they were tired and wanted to rest. Mia and jungkook was still chatting happily. Mia showing Jungkook her soulmate mark and explaining the feeling about the moment she found her soulmate and Jungkook listening with so much intrest with his eyes shining, both of them looks so cute in Dahyun and Namjoon's eyes. " Ahhhhhh!" A loud screaming were heard out of the nowhere making everyone flinch and running towards the screaming sound as soon as possible. But Dahyun and Mia was shocked to see from where the screaming were heard at the reason of it.
"Umm care to explain what is going one here?" Mia asked.
"Yeah and why is Jimin on top of Taehyung and Taehyung smirking at Jimin?" Dahyun continue further.
As the question finished Jungkook and Namjoon sighed at the same time. Namjoon said ," they are doing it again". And now this was making both the loud and silent devil even more curious.
" Umm... What? " Mia asked.
" Its probably because of a game and Jimin hyung lost AGAIN." Jungkook said as he move towards them and started separating each other from them.
"I didn't lost this time. TAEHYUNG CHEATED THAT'S WHY HE WON!" Jimin screamed and now Namjoon sighed again and went inside the room. He said," okay let's hear, how did Taehyung cheated AGAIN?"
" We were playing LOL and you know what TAEHYUNG DIDN'T PROTECT ME WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO DIE" Jimin said pointing at Taehyung who was now glaring at Jimin.
"Its not that I didn't protect you. Its JUST THAT YOU DIED BEFORE I COULD PROTECT YOU!" Taehyung said poing at Jimin and yeah they both started fighting.
"SHUT UP YOU BOTH!" Namjoon shouted making both of them to be silent and looks towards Namjoon.
"Both of you stand up and go to your bed!" Namjoon said looking absolutely pissed and both the bickering duo just listen quietly and weng towards their respective beds.
" Yes and now if I listen a singke word and you both are D-E-A-D" Namjoon said making a sign of cutting head. And surprisingly now both of them were sleeping quietly or more like pretending to be asleep. Namjoon sighed and come outside of their room followed by Jungkook, Mia and Dahyun.

Mia and Dahyun cleared their throats as Dahyun said," Then we will also get going now as it is also becoming late."
"Yeah my boyfriend might be worried. So we better be going now." Mia said.
" Oh yeah, okay bye return home safely and also make sure to visit again." Namjoon said flashing his charming dimple at them.
" Oh ofcourse we will now that our bestfriend is now mated with one of the members there will be no chance that we will not come again. We are going to see eachother very often now" Mia said extending her hand for a handshake and Dahyun faked cough letting Mia know that she is going too far. Namjoon laugh as he shook Mia's hand and said," Sure ". Dahyun laugh and said ," Then, Let's meet next time" with this Dahyun dragged Mia with her as she doesn't wants to get even more embarrassed.

I actually totally forgot about the update but my cousin remind me and threatened me to update or else she was gonna hunt me in my dreams. Well I don't want to see her face in my sweet dreams so here I am.
Sorry not sorry about the previous line my lovely sister 🌝

I FOUND MY SOULMATE #1 (K.S.J) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang