Neil - I can't forget Avni, even though you have forgiven me but I can't able to forget, Day till night all I think about is what I've done to you, on the one hand I claim I love you

Avni sees him

Neil - And on the other hand, I behaved like a monster with you and how did you forgive me even after all that...
I apologized to you stubbornly... you wanted to stay away from me, I didn't even give you that freedom... forcefully brought you back
I don't deserve you, you were right, I don't even deserve to be a father..
Although you said those things in anger but it was true... I am not worthy of you and our child...
Because of me, we could not welcome this new happiness of ours properly, I do not deserve anything...

He speaks all this in a choked voice, he regrets badly because when the news of Avni's pregnancy came, the atmosphere of the house was not good, everyone was worried, they could not celebrate this news happily...

And here Avni is shocked to hear all these things filled in his mind...She herself gets emotional and looks at him who is looking down after saying all this.

Taking his hand in her she presses his hand and Neil looks up at her... their eyes meet and Avni speaks.

Avni - Is this all the reason why you stay away from me...don't come close to me

Neil listens to her question and understanding her question he speaks

Neil - By what right do I get close to you ? the favor you have done me by forgiving me,After that I don't want anything from you, I have lost the right to come close to you, to touch you, to love you... I am not worthy of you.

Avni looks at him and before she can say anything, Neil speaks..

Neil - You must be wondering why I don't take you out, Why do I make excuses for you to stay in the room

Avni sees him

Neil - Because I don't trust myself.. I am scared of how I used to behave wherever we went out before, If something like that happened again and I lost my temper and hurt you then.... no... you will go away from me again
And I know that now if you go away from me again, I won't even be able to see you, and that's why I don't go out with you for fear of hurting you.

Avni sees him and Neil continues....

Neil - Because of me you become so matured before time...I still remember how childish you were when I met you..

Avni sees him

Neil - You know, I still remember once I came to Ashish papa's office and you were complaining to him that he and neela maa are not allowing you to grow up, then Ashish's papa said that when the time comes, you yourself will become mature.....
He gave his princess to a demon whom he trusted a lot but I broke his trust too and broke his princess's heart too.

Avni hears this and become more emotional, How much is filled inside him, how much he is thinking about the past...

Neil - I broke everyone's trust.. I broke yours, our family's trust, everyone's trust...

Avni listens to him and understands the real reason behind his changed behavior till date... She doesn't say anything further but first she hugs him...

Neil also closes his eyes and hugs her holding her tightly while Avni speaks close to his ear...

Avni - The name of life is to move forward... to get out of somewhere you have to forget the past

Neil hears this but does not say anything and after remaining in that state for a while, Avni separates Neil from herself and seeing him takes his hand in hers and says

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