Chapter 80

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The footsteps got closer, and stopped at the entrance of the stairs.

Du Jiu turned to look, Master Count was standing there quietly. There was no revulsion on his face, and no disgust either. It was a very complicated expression in his eyes that Du Jiu was unable to discern. Du Jiu had been with his Master since young but he had never seen such strange expression.

Ban Hua did not notice Rong Xias arrival or perhaps her attention was not currently on him. Her voice was as cold as ice when she asked the assassin who was crying in pain, The one who ordered you, how did he look?

The assassin shook his head, That person looks ordinary, the clothing was also ordinary. I... I really cant say.

Cant say? Ban Hua pulled a guards knife, pointed at the assassins lower body, If you cant say, Ill let you sent to the Imperial Tomb as a criminal slave.

Criminal slave did not only have their faces marked, but also their function as a man removed. The assassin trembled in fear and repeatedly begged in mercy, he screamed in terror when the tip of the sharp blade broke into the leg of his trousers.

Your gut was big when harming people, how come you are this scared now? Ban Hua laughed coldly, the blade advanced a few inches, You dont fear death, but afraid of losing a few liangs of flesh?

Du Jiu had the urged to kneel down to Ban Hua. This great aunt was able to use a mans two liangs of flesh to intimidate without any embarrassment on her face, while he as a man was already quite embarrassed. Seeing his master approaching from behind, Du Jiu whispered, Master, Junzhu is just upset

Ban Hua was not his ideal choice for the Countess, but to see her, a woman, tossed everything out in order to protect her family, he was in awe.

Not many men dared to like valiant women such as this one, but admiring such a person was admiring the persons character, nothing to do with gender.

Rong Xia didnt respond, he stepped up to Ban Hua, took hold of her wrist that was holding the knife, Hua Hua, dont rush, give it to me.

Ban Hua looked at him, How come you are here?

Yamen people found the buildings shopkeeper and attendant, they have been sent to medical clinic. Rong Xia took over the knife on Ban Huas hand and handed it to the guard besides him, Prepare paper and brush.

Ban family guard glanced at her, lowered his head and ran down the stairs. He soon returned with paper and brush.

Rong Xia spread the paper on the table, dipped the brush into the not-very-well-ground ink. He turned to whisper to Ban Hua, Dont dirty your eyes for this kind of people.

Ban Hua pursed her lips without speaking.

Rong Xia smiled and straightened his robe, it was as if he had been standing in a study thick with scent of ink instead of a place with assassins on the floor.

How tall is that person?

What kind of hair style, what kind of hair pin?

What clothing he wore, what colour, and what material?

One question after another, and Rong Xia kept scribbling with Ban Hua sitting on his side. The picture of a middle-age man appeared on the paper.

Is it this man? Rong Xia put the brush down. When the ink dried, he held up the paper in front of the assassin.

The assassins eyes widened in shock, how come it was so similar?

Had he met that man before?

The assassins reaction had answered Rong Xias question, he handed the paper to Ban Hua, Do you know this person?

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