"What is it with people and threatening to kill me?" Harry exclaims, going over to me.

"Oh, Percy," Annabeth says lazily, "If I win, then you date me again."

I'm about to lash out at Annabeth again, but I know she can threaten Harry again. "Fine...but if I win then you never, ever, bother Harry or me again."

 "Sure. 2 minutes to get ready." Then, she walks off to get prepared.

I turn to Harry. "Are you good?"

"Yeah," He reassures me, "Just annoyed."

"I get it," I agree, rolling my eyes. "She's a bitch."

"Just, be careful, k'ay Percy?" He gives me a quick peck on the lips, and I turn back to the arena. Annabeth is already there, sloppily putting on armour. She twirls the dagger between her fingers, and she gets into what I think is a battle stance. I can easily see that her muscles are tensing up, and that her eyes are focused on my right side. I get ready in a similar, yet much better stance, uncapping Riptide, and Harry referees the match.

"Ready, set, GO!"

As I assume, Annabeth lunges to my right, and I block, and she just keeps going on offence. She slashes her dagger with such vigor, that her attacks are slow, and easy to block. I roll my eyes, putting away Riptide and just start to dodge her blade. After every swipe of Annabeth's dagger, I step back when I maneuver out of the way, carefully calculating where I'm going. Finally, I can feel a wooden pole. I'm at the edge of the arena. Annabeth grins, thinking that she's won. She grunts, bringing her dagger down onto my head.

I sidestep, and her blade lodges itself deep into the wood. Her face is filled with realization and horror. She desperately attempts to yank her dagger out, failing miserably. She growls, looking at me and goes to punch me. I duck, and by now, Annabeth is sick of being humiliated. She aims a decent kick at my face, and before her foot can reach its target, I grab her leg and use the momentum to kick the dagger instead. The blade becomes free from the wood, and flips above our head. Annabeth's eyes widen, as she instinctively ducks and rolls away from the dangerous pointy death stick. Me, on the other hand, pushes off Annabeth and grabs the dagger's hilt, gracefully landing on the ground.

As Annabeth is still in shock from the flying blade, in a flash I'm next to her, holding her into place with her own dagger at her throat.

"Yield?" I ask, and Annabeth scowls.

"Never." She tries to punch me in my stomach, but I swiftly dodge it, going behind her and once again holding the blade up to her neck. "C'mon Annabeth," I say, smirking. "Give it your best."

She struggles, trying to kick me while avoiding the blade, but I just put the blade closer to her.

"Oh, is Annabeth caught in a little mess?" I mock her, giving her my best maniacal look. I cackle, and grin darkly. "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"

I release her from my knife hold, and start to stab at her. She tries to back up and run away, but I'm too fast for her. I'm like a whirlwind, slashing at her. 

"I yield!" She yelps, bleeding in multiple places and crouching down. Her hands are in  "I yield! You and your boyfriend won't be disturbed!"

I smirk, and spit at the ground in front of her. "Good. Now if you'll excuse me, the food is calling me." I drop her dagger next to her.

Harry and I walk out of there, as the conch horn sounded, ready to eat. 'About time!' I think, 'I'm starving!'

As Harry and I sat down for lunch at the Poseidon table, I summoned myself a cheeseburger with blue coke and ice. Harry just stares at the coke and I look at him. "What?"

"Nothing," He says, going back to eating his own meal, muttering something about ice in coke and how Americans are weird.

The seven come over to our table, and sit down. Except for Nico of course, he's at the Apollo table with Will, doing who knows what.

"Hey guys." I say through a mouthful of food.

"We heard about your little spar with a certain bitch." Piper raises her eyebrow, looking at me.

"Well, someone had to put her in her place," I say, shrugging. "She's lucky I didn't do anything else to her. She's very tempting to kill."

Jason rolls his eyes, and Leo is just snickering and looking at Annabeth, on the other side of the pavillon, looking angry and fuming.

"Annnnnyway..." Harry says, dragging the word. "I wanna hear about your adventures. And embarrassing moments. I need more blackmail on Percy."

I groan. "C'mon Harry! Wasn't Sally's stories enough!"

"Nope. Now gimme all the good stuff."

The seven, sadly, obliged happily.

"Ok, so on the quest to Alaska, he got so green and could barely do anything!" Hazel explains, and I grumble about Fleecy's tea.

"Then after we got help from Iris, she gave Percy a rainbow man satchel!" Frank finishes.

By then, Harry is laughing his ass off. "P-Percy...ha-had a...rainbow man satchel!" He barely chokes out, pointing at me.

"Shut up." I grumble, crossing my arms and trying to look as angry as possible.

By then, people in the pavilion are looking at us weirdly, and walking out to go do other stuff. I'm about to go and train the kids, dragging Harry along with me, when he falls off his seat, still being an asshole. The seven are chuckling at the sight.

"C'mon Harry," I say, dragging him by his foot, to the pavilion. "Let's go train the kids."

Sadly, this time, the kids did NOT have their 'my name is' tags on.

—Time skip to the campfire—

I missed this part of camp. Sitting round the fire, singing corny songs that none of us would sing in broad daylight. Watching the fire get brighter and higher. I loved it. And I still do.

I cuddled up with Harry, snuggling up against him.

Maybe being back here won't be as bad as I thought.

Done. There you go, another chappie done. Hope you enjoyed it!

I'm going to be away for a week. I won't be able to update any of my books. I'll be back soon!

Someone mentioned that they wanted some badass Percy, so here you go! And there's always the 'torture dream,' so I did that, but I decided that this Percy isn't some helpless guy. Nope, he be that 'kick your ass' person. So he kicked ass.

I know that people might have questions about my story, so they can go here ⋁⋁⋁


P.S is it just me who feel exactly like this song, minus the medicine?

Remember to:




Be good to yourself

(¯'•._.• ℓ𝓪𝕦𝓻𝓔ⓛ •._.•'¯)

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