Chapter 1

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Solid grey walls surrounded me and an extra large twin-size bed underneath me, holding my five-foot-eight-inch lean frame up from the ground. Those were the only things in my room as I looked up at the single light in my room until I heard a loud, but familiar, knock on the metal door across my small room.

"Wolf, I have your next mission," my sergeant said with his usual white mask on. He was a tall man, but I never saw his face or any part of his skin. He wore an all-black suit and tie, with white gloves and socks that covered every piece of his skin. "All the information you'll need is in this folder," he said as he dropped a yellow folder onto the bed.

"Besides what's in this folder, will I need to know anything else?" I questioned, then immediately received a small jolt of electricity flowing from my neck and down my spine. The pain made me gasp and I turned over, only to hit the hard and cold metal floor.

My sergeant walked up to me and leaned down towards me as I gasped on the floor. "You know the rules, no asking questions."

I slowly nodded my head as the pain eventually subsided. My sergeant stood up straight, turned his back, and walked out of my room without another word.

After taking some time, I got up and sat on my bed while looking at the unopened yellow file folder that was ready to be opened. This would be my 15th mission in a single year and every mission I had to go on changed me a little inside. Regardless, it was my job to do this mission. My responsibility.

Picking up the folder, I looked at the first few papers which were pictures with an ID card attached to one which had a picture of me.

My name is now Jake Lincoln. I am a nineteen-year-old black American from Charlotte, NC and I am currently a sociology major at Blackhouse University. I wear hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers every day to school because my 'family' can not afford to buy me anything better.

That is my character now.

I pulled out another picture, this time it was a picture of a girl. A note at the bottom of the picture read that her name was Olivia Griffin and that she is a nineteen-year-old student of Blackhouse University. Her height is five feet four inches while her weight is one hundred twenty one pounds. She has long curly black hair, light brown skin, dark brown eyes, and a nose ring.

She is beautiful.

Her parents are Natalia Griffin and classified. I pulled out pictures of her mother from the folder and studied her face, then I looked at both pictures. Engraving their faces into my mind permanently.

There wasn't much information on Olivia's mother that stood out to me. She owned a small taco restaurant in the city which had plenty of customers coming in and out from the numbers I.N.T.E.L. had collected. Her original last name was Romero, but she changed it when she met her husband.

Olivia also had a twelve year old brother by the name of Michael Griffin and his parent's identity was the same. He was in the seventh grade at a local middle school around his neighborhood. He didn't own a phone so there were no recent messages, but I studied his face and engraved his face in my mind. He looked a lot like his older sister, Olivia, which would make him easy to identify.

Nothing odd stood out to me as I looked at the description of each person I had already picked up, except the fact that her father was marked as classified. I.N.T.E.L. usually had this type of information regardless of how secretive people try to be. No matter if the child was born in some of the most remote places, I.N.T.E.L. would still know about it. Even if a child was born in the middle of nowhere, I.N.T.E.L. would likely have that information.

Regardless, I searched through the rest of the folder.

Pictures of her friends, recent text messages, social status, and much more was in the folder.

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