"No", Chan said without a thought.

Even Aera wanted to say no without hurting Nia's feelings.

Whenever Nia was around her, she felt something unknown creeping up inside her.

"Umm, Nia-shi, I am afraid-"

"Unnie please. Please don't say no. You are my close friend, actually the only person I know here", Nia said as her eyes teared up.

"Sunbaenim, please accept my request", She pleaded them.

"Venue?", Chan asked with suspicion.

"Night club", Nia said.

"I'm sorry-", Aera was interrupted.

Nia held her hands.

"Unnie, it's been years since I celebrated my birthday. Please unnie. If you attend the party, I'll feel better", Nia said sniffling as her eyes leaked the tears.

Aera's heart melted.

As much as she didn't know this girl, she didn't want Nia to be sad on this special day.

"It's alright, Nia. I'll ask my Oppa for permission", Aera said freeing her hands from Nia's hold.

"No, promise me, unnie", Nia whined with a cute glare.

Aera looked at Chan for help.

"Okay, I'll join you", he said.

"I promise", Aera said nodding her head.

Nia squealed happily.

"I am so happy, unnie. Thank you for making my day special", She said as she tried to hug Aera, but she flinched.

Aera smiled awkwardly patting her head.

"And the most important note is that you should follow the dress code", Nia said with a smile.

"That is?", Chan asked raising his eyebrow.

"For girls, it is a short dress. For boys it is jeans and tshirt", Nia said with a smile.

"Aren't you demanding too much?", Chan asked.

"No Nia. I can't-", Aera was interrupted.

"Hmmph. I won't hear any complaints. Bye bye. See you in the party", Nia dashed off.

A silence took over the place.

"Chennie, I heard Club is only for adults", Aera asked confused.

"Money", Chan said through gritted teeth.

"Are you sure about this?", Tino asked.

"Why not?", Nia asked with a grin.

"Do you even think that those overprotective and possessive brothers will let their little sister go to a club? And that girl will try to make her promise a reality", she said twirling her hair as Tino watched her intently.

"Even if they allowed her, it won't be possible in that short dress. According to girls psychology, if a person restricts her dressing, she'll either get insecured or triggered ", Nia said with a laugh.

"This is the beginning. I'll blow this crack into a rabbit hole", Nia laughed as Tino smirked.

"You really wanna go little one?", Namjoon asked caressing her head as she was leaning against him.

"Yeah. I promised, Oppa. Even, I am curious now", Aera said with a smile.

"Alright go and get ready, kitten", Yoongi said with a smile.

"Yayyyy! Thank you Yoo oppa", she said kissing his cheek.

Soon she jumped in front of them with a cute yellow floral dress.

Jungkook couldn't help but facepalm.

She looked like a person who was going to a beach, not for a club.

"How am I looking Oppa?", She asked doing a little twirl.

"Hmm. Wait", Taehyung said as he ran upstairs.

He returned back with a yellow short.

"Wear this babygirl", He said handing her.

"Okay", she said as they turned their heads aside.

"It's perfect now", Jin said admiring his princess.

The dress reached below her knee and the shorts a little higher.

"Come here", Hobi said opening his arms.

She went in for a hug.

"You are looking adorable", he said kissing her cheek a couple times.

"Got it from the best", she flipped her hair making them laugh.

"I'll do your hair", Jungkook said as he took out his pocket comb.

She sat infront of him as he combed her hair.

After a while Aera looked up.

"Oppa. I am nervous. This is my first time, dressing like this in public. What if someone stares at me? See, I even got cute hairs. Usually, a girl should shave this, right?", She mumbled fiddling with her fingers.

She was nervous about the chair on her legs and arms.

Jungkook secued the hair pins as he pulled her up on his lap.

"Yah, pabo, you are beautiful. If someone stares at you, punch them in the face. I'll deal with the rest ", Jungkook said kissing her jaw.

"You should dress for yourself, not for others. And don't feel embarrassed about the hairs. They have a purpose in our body. If you are comfortable with it, it's not an issue. It's not even visible anyway", Namjoon said with a smile.

Aera nodded her head.

"Kitten, if someone messes with you, say our name ", Yoongi said with a smirk.

"Don't touch any alcoholic drinks baby. Better, don't even drink or eat anything from there. Tell us, if you want something, we can get it for you", Taehyung said as he patted her head.

"Okay oppa. I'll keep everything in mind", she said.

She hugged her six brothers one by one and left with Jungkook, who was going to drop her off.

Jimin had gone out for some business.

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