XXXVII. Twice Bound

Start from the beginning

"Mila," she says again.

I look around, confused when I don't see the Nirasian princess anywhere.


She's silent for a moment. It's a strange feeling– I can't see her but I can feel her. I can sense her relief as she collects herself.

"What's going on?" I ask. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my cabin," she responds quickly. "You used your magic to call out to me," she explains. "It's a communication spell. They work for short distances– a couple of miles at most."

I nod, taking this in. I must have casted it when I was asking for help.

"Are you okay?" she asks softly.

I tense up as it finally hits me that I'm talking to Noelani. Our last conversation floods through my head and I suddenly feel shy in her presence.

"I'm okay," I tell her a moment later. I sigh. "I've been having these nightmares," I admit. "I'm not sure what they are exactly, just that they aren't visions. Althea was there– she was angry with me. I just..." I trail off, suddenly reliving the last few moments of my dream.

I shudder uncontrollably. She couldn't actually kill me in there, could she?

"It's probably just a dream," I finish lamely.

Noelani is silent for a while. I know that she doesn't believe me, but she doesn't say it. She doesn't have to.

"It's late," she says instead. "We should get some sleep."

I nod, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. There are so many things I want to ask her about, but there's one specific question on the tip of my tongue.

Have you made a decision yet?

"Okay," I say curtly. "Goodnight."

She hesitates again and I feel my palms sweat in anticipation. The feeling doesn't last long.

"Goodnight, Mila."

I close the connection quickly, rolling over in my bed and falling into a dreamless sleep.


"You look terrible," Enya gasps as she enters my cabin at daybreak. "I told you something happened between them last night."

Freya follows after her, scowling at Enya and shooing her out of the room.

"Get off to breakfast with the princess," Freya scolds.

The Northerner simply chuckles and sends me a wink before slipping out of the room.

I roll my eyes. Thanks for the confidence boost.

"Morning," I croak miserably, turning towards Freya.

The Wise Woman takes a long look at me, but she doesn't say a word until she has finished setting up our breakfast.

"Eat," she orders.

She knows. I can tell by the tone in her voice. I sigh. It's not like I purposely contacted Noelani last night– it just sort of happened.

I don't have much of an appetite, but I know that I'll need my strength for today's training. I'm actually looking forward to the long day of physical activity– I sure could use the distraction.

I only manage to get down a piece of bread before I give up.

"I had a vision of Althea last night," I tell Freya while she finishes her breakfast. "Well, not a vision exactly– I've been having dreams about her for days, but last night was the first time I was able to remember it fully," I say, involuntarily shuddering at the memory.

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