XXXIV. The Wise Woman of Folnar

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I've never met a Deity before, so when I find myself face to face with one I'm not sure of the proper way to greet her. I feel Noelani and Ettiana freeze beside me and assume that they are in the same predicament as me.

Thirty awkward seconds pass and I decide to curtsy– the most respectful action I know. I drop to my right knee, placing a fist over my heart and dropping my head towards the ground. Ettiana follows my lead, dropping to the ground next to me.

To my right, Noelani simply bows her head. She is a princess, but it's more than that. She's a revolutionary, one who dares to challenge Queen Reina for the throne, and the future leader of Nirasus. She will show her respect, but she will bow to no one.

A bold move, but I've learned to expect that from Noelani.

"Ah!" the Deity exclaims. "Get up, get up! There's no need for that here."

The Wise Woman rushes to my spot in the grass, a subtle frown on her delicate face as she gently grabs my arm to assist me to my feet. She has dainty features– short, fiery red hair and icy blue eyes. It's not exactly what I pictured a Deity would look like.

She looks so...human.

I feel a jolt of magic rush over me when she touches me. It's strange. There's a layer of magic running over her skin like a force field, but it's clear to me that she's not in control of it. No, this is someone else's work.

"I am not a Deity as your people believe," she says, helping Ettiana to her feet. "The last generation of bloodsorcerers blessed me with this magic so I may lead the new one. I am not immortal. I am simply ageless. I shall die when my time comes."

"If you are not a Deity then what are you?" Noelani inquires.

The woman smiles, stepping towards the princess to engage in a forearm greeting, a strange sort of handshake. Noelani engages in the gesture gracefully, especially compared to my clumsiness when the woman offers me the same greeting.

"I am Freya, The Wise Woman. You have already met Enya, The Charmer," she says. "And you are Noelani and Amietta. You have come to learn about the Niraki."

"My name is Mila," I correct her.

She stares at me for a moment too long, her gaze searching somewhere deeper than just my face. The Wise Woman nods. "I suppose you are right, Mila."

Freya leaves it at that, turning towards Ettiana. She grabs her forearm heartily. "Ettiana," she smiles. "I was not sure you would come. I am so glad you are here."

"Um, thank you?" Ettiana says softly.

Freya nods. "Aye. Come now. We shall speak more where we are comfortable. I have lodging available in my camp. This way."

She leads us through the woods. I scramble to keep up with her, anxious to feel the sun on my back again. The woods are thick and damp, and quite frankly, creepy. Enya has promised beautiful views of white cliffs and sandy beaches– a sight I am eager to behold.

The camp is not at all what I expect. I was imagining a ring of tents surrounding a large campfire, similar to the glimpses of Northern villages I've gotten so far. Rather, it is a permanent facility– the first real set of buildings I've seen in the North. There are several beautifully constructed log cabins, the largest of them situated in the center of the camp. It's an impressive building, large enough to easily sleep a few dozen people. By the looks of it, that space isn't wasted. There are a lot of people about– lounging around, working in the garden, and even training in what appears to be a well-kept training area.

"Wow," I breathe, my eyes catching the large expanse of ocean visible just beyond the camp boundaries. Out in the distance I can see a black line on the horizon. It contrasts vividly with the light blue of the ocean. I know what that is– it's the Great Barrier. Papa used to tell me stories about the men who tried to sail past it. None have succeeded. It's a sailor's biggest dream, and their number one killer.

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