XVII. The Smell of Wine

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After our heated conversation, I leave Noelani and Cormak in the kitchen to spend some time together. I spot a pen and a pad of paper on Mak's coffee table and snatch it up, planning to write Arabelle a letter to explain that we'll be getting back later than I thought. Noelani said that she would teach me how to send it to her using magic.

I smile as I hear the sibling's laughter from the other room. Noelani walks out holding a couple of dishes filled with food. She sets them on the dining table.

"Food's ready," she tells me with a grin. She seems happy– it's a good look on her.

Mak follows behind her with more food and clean plates. "Alright. Dig in," he says.

I pile my plate with steaming pasta, excited to find out if the food tastes as good as it smells.

It does.

"So what's the plan once we get home?" Mak asks casually.

"I plan to fulfill my birthright and take the Crown as soon as possible," Noelani announces. She glances at me. "I assume Mila and Arabelle will go their separate way to search for Ettiana."

I nod. "That's the plan."

At least, it was the plan. Lately, I'm not so sure that's what I want anymore.

"Lani. You're going to stage a coup against Mother?" Cormak asks, sounding slightly alarmed.

"Haven't I made that clear?" Noelani asks. "You know as well as I that Mother shouldn't be on the throne. She is a Consort, yet she refused to give me my birthright when I turned one and twenty. I have to take action now– I won't sit around and wait for her to kick the bucket."

Mak shakes his head disapprovingly. "Deities, Noelani. That's not proper at all."

I frown. "What?" I ask, confused.

Noelani spares me a glance. "My mother refuses to acknowledge the fact that she is merely a Consort. My father was the true Crown Ruler, but he died before either of us were old enough to take the crown. Mother convinced the Council in Nirasus to pass the power onto her. In the eyes of the law, she is the Crown Ruler and it is written in Nirasian law that the Crown Ruler is only able to pass the title on through death. Either she dies of natural causes and the crown is passed to her successor, or she engages in a battle to the death. The winner takes the crown."

I pale as her words sink in– if Noelani wants the throne, she has to kill her own mother.

"It's a barbaric practice," Mak says angrily, frowning at his sister. "You're better than this, Noelani."

"I agree," she says. "That's why I'll be eradicating it once I'm queen."

Mak huffs, perhaps realizing how stubborn his sister has grown up to be. I give him a sympathetic look– I've spent many hours on the receiving end of Noelani's stubbornness.

"It is unheard of for a successor to kill their own bloodline," Mak argues.

"You can't talk me out of this," Noelani tells her brother firmly. "I have exhausted every other option, trust me. This is a last resort." She pauses, her eyes filling with emotion. "I always hoped that you would support my decision, Cormak."

"I do support you, Lani," Mak sighs. "I just don't agree with you– we can find another way to do this."

"He's right," I pipe in, even though it's really none of my business. "You can't take someone's life and expect to be okay afterwards. Especially not your own mother's."

Noelani's face goes solemn. "I know that," she snaps. "Do you think I want this? I have no choice. Neither of you understand the state of Nirasus right now– Mother has become power-hungry. I can only imagine how much worse it has gotten since I've been gone."

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