Chapter 10:Serena's first date?

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Edited: 8/12/16

Darien sighed for the forth time before his eyes wondered down to his wrist watch. She was twenty minutes late, but that wasn't anything new to him. He looked up and watched as other students boarded the four buses that were going into town. He looked away when he heard his name being called. Darien looked and saw Serena running up to him wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck top, with beige orange shorts, a beige faux leather jacket, light brown combat boots, and holding a yellow heart shaped purse. She smiled as she stopped in front of him to quickly catch her breath.

"Sorry I'm late." She smiled at him which cause him to smile back a little before his smile turned to a smirk.

"Your twenty minutes late Meatball head."

Serena glared at him as she puffed out her cheeks before she punched his arm as hard as she could.

"I said I was sorry, and don't call me that!" Darien rubbed his arm as she turned away from him crossing his arms.

"You know you shouldn't hit people, and besides you should be happy I happen to be free today. Otherwise your weekend would have been boring without me."

Serena turned to him, still glaring.

"If I hadn't asked you then you would just be stuck in your dormroom studying your eyes out. It wouldn't kill you to take a small break once in a while. And my weekend would not have been boring, thank you very much!"

Darien smirked as he placed his hands behind his head.

"Then I guess you don't need me, see yah."

He began to walk away before Serena reached out and grabbed his arm.

"N-no, don't leave. You promised!"

Serena cried out as Darien turned to her still smirking before it disappeared as he saw the sad expression on Serena's face. Sighing, he reached over an gently pet Serena on the head.

"Ok, ok. Let's go before the buses leave without us."

Serena gave a large smile and a nod before she skipped to a nearby. Chuckling, Darien shook his head and followed Serena to the same bus. Serena sat in the far back and Darien sat down next to her as the bus driver closed the doors. Serena looked out the window as the buses pulled away from the curve and made there way out the school gate. Looking away, Serena searched through her bag and pulled out her bunny pouch and looked at the money her dad sends her every week that she had saved up. She smiled as she reached into her purse and pulled out some allowance she had saved up. She put both together and smiled to herself before putting everything into her pouch and into her purse. Serena looked back out the window, not noticing Darien who looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

'I don't get why she didn't just go into town on her own? But then again, you never know what kind of creeps could just be waiting to snatch a cute girl like her.' Darien thought to himself before he looked away as Serena turned forward and smiled.

"I can't wait to get into town, I wonder what I should buy? Maybe a necklace, or a bracelet. Maybe some flowers? What do you think Darien?" Serena asked turning to Darien who turned to her.

"Not sure, whatever you think is right Serena."

Serena looked out the window pouting.

"I just don't know what to get. I mean, I want to make it special."

Darien smiled a little at her as the buses entered a small town. Serena smiled at all the shops their bus passed before the buses finally came to a stop and they were allowed off. Serena looked around as Darien pulled out a small pocket sized guide book.

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