Chapter 9:Sailor Mercury

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Edited: 8/12/16

Serena sat in the school's attendance office staring out the window as she tried to think to herself. During the rest of the day, Amy had completely avoided her. Serena had tried to talk to her but every single time she nearly got close to the bluenette, Amy would always turn right around and walk the opposite direction. Sighing, Serena turned away from the window as the attendance office worker asked her to file a few folders. She walked over to the filing cabnet and began to organise the files by last name. As soon as she turned around she came face to face with Luna. Serena jumped back surprised, and bumped into the cabnets behind her.

"Ow! Luna!" Serena rubbed her injured elbow as she glared at the guardian cat who jumped down from the island where the stack of files sat. Serena stood up from the ground as Luna walked up to her.

"I'm sorry for startling you Serena, but there's something important I need to speak to you about..." Luna spoke before Serena covered her mouth before she saw the office worker was nowhere to be found. Sighing, Serena let go of Luna who continued to speak.

"Alright, as I was saying Serena. I think its best you stay away from that Amy girl."

Serena blinked surprised and confused before she shook her head and looked at Luna in the eye as the bell rang for the end of the day. As students all exit their classrooms, Amy casually walked down the hallway to her dorm room. She walked inside as she removed her glasses. Amy closed the door before she walked over to her desk and set her books down on the surface as she rubbed her eyes. She looked down before she saw one of her notebooks laying there opened with a small blue and gold pen laying on top of it. She reached over and picked the pen up to inspect it before she looked aroud in her room confused.

"Why Luna?" Serena asked, as Luna jumped back up on the small island. Serena packed up the last of her things before she quickly finished filing. Once everything was orginized, Serena picked up Luna and they made their way back to Serena's dorm.

"I believe that girl may be linked to the Dark Kingdom." Serena opened the door to her room and Luna jumped out of her arms. Serena closed the door and set her bookbag on her bed as Luna jumped up on the bed next to it.

"Luna, if Amy was working for the Dark Kingdom don't you think she would have attacked by now? You know as well as I do that they only care about hurting people." Serena undid her school tie and placed her transformation brooch on her shirt as she removed her jacket. She walked over to her desk and placed her bag on it. Serena reached into her bag to grab her homework before she noticed something on her desk. A pink pen with a small pink gem sat next to her laptop along with a white casablanca lily layed next the pen. Blinking, Serena picked both up before she turned to Luna.

"Luna, did you put this on my desk?" Serena asked, holding the pen up along with the flower. The guardian cat's eyes widen as she stared at the pen in Serena's hand.

"Where did you get that Serena?"

"It was just sitting here on my desk Luna. Why?" Serena looked down at the pen before she focused on the flower.

"That's the Luna Pen, but I haven't seen it in centuries. How did it get here..?"

Luna spoke the last part more to herself as Serena inspected the pen a little before she strugged and placed it in her pocket. Serena walked over to her vanity and placed the casablanca lilies into the same vase the white roses where. Smiling at the flowers, Serena reached over and gently rubbed the soft petals of one of the white roses before doing the same to one of the lilies. After a minute, Serena turned away and sat down at her desk to start a little on her homework while Luna layed down on the bed for a catnap. Half an hour later, Serena finished half her homework when her stomach decide to interrupt.

CrescentMoon Academy - Sailor MoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang