Beacon Academy

222 11 2

3rd POV

Y/N stepped off the bullhead, popping a few Vicodin pills into his mouth as a blonde male ran next to the closest dumpster and began throwing up. Y/N raised an eye brow before swallowing the pain medication, all before reaching back into his pocket again and pulling out another set of pills, taking it and breathing out a neon blue yet again.
He began moving forward, placing his hands in his pockets as he looked at the academy, the windows all pristine and the walkway leading up to it cleaner than most fresh cleaned floors. There wasn't a piece of litter in sight, not even a piece of gum one would spit from their mouth.

Y/N: hope these they can provide Vicodin here.

He looked at the bottle he pulled from his pocket, seven pills left.

Y/N: a month ago two was needed, now three just makes the pain tolerable, I'll have to go to four next week just to have the same effect.

He placed the pills back in his pocket as he then felt someone bump into him. He quickly turned to see Ruby.

Ruby: I'm so sorry!

She took two steps back before tripping backwards, landing into a pile of suitcases. Y/N raised an eye brow as he looked at her, before hearing the sounds of angry screaming.

Weiss: what is the matter with you?!

Y/N took a step to the side to see the white haired beauty walking towards Ruby. His eyes widened as he realized who it was. Y/N darted his eyes downward, as if it were instinct and took another step back. His eyes changed to realization before standing up straight, just as he was before, doing all he can to avoid looking at Weiss.

Weiss: do you know what could have happened if you damaged this!?

She picked up a piece of red dust, waving it around as she spoke.

Weiss: with enough impact it could have exploded!

The red dust entered Ruby's nose, her eyes slowly staring to close as a sneeze was preparing. Y/N noticed this before diving to the ground and covering his head, she then sneezed, creating an explosion in the court yard.
Y/N perked his head up after the smoke cleared, patting out the fire that was on his shoulder. He pushed himself up to see Weiss covered in ash. The rage in her eyes built as her fist tightened.

Weiss: have any idea who I am?
?????: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, the largest producer of dust in all four kingdoms. Also under fire for their treatment of Faunus.

The black haired female spoke confidently and calmly.

Y/N: you heard about that too?
Weiss: screw both of you!

She stormed off, her fists tightened.

Ruby: tha-

Ruby was about to yell to the black haired girl, only to see that she was walking away. Y/N then turned to Ruby.

Y/N: let's go inside, we should also check on that guy who is still throwing up.
Ruby: O-ok

Weiss looked down at her scroll, messages from her father blowing up her phone, stressed out from leaving home, and having been exploded, now she deals with the one thing she worried about the most.


The moon stood over Beacon academy, Y/N laying in a sleeping bag in the main hall, with the only light in the room coming from the black haired girl reading a book, the candle flickering. He sighed as he rolled back over, pulling the bag over him more before kicking it off and sitting up.

Y/N: I need to get out of here.

He walked outside and placed his hands against the railings, breathing out as he felt great pain in his chest. Y/N stood on the balcony, pulling out his Vicodin and swallowing them before pulling out another pill and taking that one too. He breathed out a neon blue yet again as he placed his hand to his stomach, coughing up a little blood.

Y/N: it's getting worse.
Jaune: what's getting worse?

Y/N turned around to see Jaune standing in his onesie bunny pajamas.

Y/N: nothing.
Jaune: are you sure? I see blood on your hand.
Y/N: it's fine, just thinking out loud.
Jaune: listen, I know you just met me this morning, but if you do need to talk, I'm here for you.
Y/N: thanks Jaune. Get some rest, I'll probably head in soon.

Jaune nodded before walking away. Y/N lifted his shirt a little when he felt he was alone and looked at a scar that said "SDC" on his ribs.

Y/N: can heal from just about everything, but unable to heal that one.

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