"Oh.! But you do stink" She argued, clearly in the mood to start a row.

"I don't"

"You do"

"I don't"

"Yes. You do, Kevin. Go and take a bath."

"No. I don't, Helen. And I'm not taking a bath."

"Don't act like a ki-"

"Enough.! Both of you. Stop acting like kids for God's sake. We have more important matters at hand" Gwen yelled making the pair huff in unison.

With a frustrated sigh, he ran his hand over his face before turning towards us.

"So what is the plan?"

"It's simple actually. I am going to the address Biancca had given me and get acquainted with her. It will take some time to gain their trust but I've to do that inorder to become one of them. After obtaining enough information, when they expect the least... we attack."

"But don't you think it will make them suspicious. I mean you appearing out of nowhere?" Helen pondered and I shook my head.

"No, It won't. It was infact Biancca who gave me the address and I'm going there just like anyone desperate for some stuff would."

"What about Jake then? Do you think he will fall for it?" Gwen inquired.

"Well... He have to. But before he finds me, I need to get closer with some of his gang members so I could get a hint of his actual nature. And I need to try to get in Biancca's good book. It will make things easier."

"But what if Jake doesn't want you anymore? He must've forgotten you since it's been years you last saw each other. And god knows how he would react when he sees you." Helen asked, frowning lines appearing on her face.

"Honestly, I don't know how he'll react, but about him wanting me.. " I trailed out in a small voice, before picking back on. "He is still after me. Even after 5 years. It's like he is kinda obsessed with me. So technically, one could say I am jumping right into his trap" I chuckled awkwardly at the end to reduce the tension that rose in the room at my revelation.

"What?!" Kevin echoed with others.

"What do you mean?" Aarvin questioned narrowing his eyes.

I sighed

"Jake is looking for me. He met with my parents again to make sure I will be in his hands sooner or later. I came to know about this when I was in NY and I didn't want to worry you with all these. That is why I didn't say anything back then. But look at the bright side..! He will be exactly where we want him, thinking everything is going according to his wish, without knowing what is waiting for him at the end." I said trying to act excited and bold under their scrutinizing gaze.

"Can I just punch your parents? Atleast till they become worthless as shit?" Gwen groaned.

"Not now Gwen. They will surely get their pieces of shares." I said assuringly.

Leave them unscathed in all these? Hell no!

"So basically you could say that we are throwing you right in the middle of danger." Aarvin asked looking dead in my eyes.

"She is not alone Aarvin. We are with her" Nordin assured looking at him.

"Everything is going to be alright but before that we need to make something clear"

"What?" Aarvin asked standing from his seat, nodding him to go on while we all looked at each other, surprised by their interaction.

What happened to all the alpha male ego clash? Ever since we landed here, they are acting all buddy-buddy. What the hell did happen for them to be the best mates?

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