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In atlas ironwood and weiss finish their fun time .

Ironwood- so weiss how was your meeting with lord rezivm..

Weiss- he said the you need to finish the portal between grimmland to earth..

Ironwood-how was earth..

Weiss- pretty boring actually people there has no semblance no aura...thy din't know what kind of event will.come to them in the near future..

Ironwood- i see..i will finish that but first i need to set more robots and conquer vale..we know vale has no huntsman now..and i am the only one who can give them protection..for grimm attack wr both know that there are still grimms lurking on vale and ozpin is dead...let's just say we will  conquer all kingdoms and out primary target is vale...

Weiss- good idea~ but jaune is also in that realm and he become strong..what do we do??

Ironwood- we will make a  moer android that capable to defeat a single man....did lord rezivm told you about their weakness??

Weiss- yes they are weak in holy weapon such as holy light...

Ironwood- and that realm has it??

Weiss- it has...and there are two warriors posses holy lights...

Ironwood- anf they are??

Weiss- angels abd fallen angels....what about the arcs where are they??

Ironwood- they were destroyed by lord rezivm...because they failed to study that brat of this so called false lucifer...and that os your former suiter jaune arc..or should i say jaune gremory...

Weiss- what should we do now..i challenge that fajer to a war that will set next year here..

Ironwood- no beed to worry we have competent warriors around him..is jaune posses any power like those devils???

Weiss- nope~ the last tume i saw him he saod he has powers but i never see it...well you onow what they say to see is to believe~ and i am not a type of person who just buying a simple word...t

Ironwood- true..ozpin is so desperate to recruot a huntsman in the future...

Weiss- what a fool good thing you open a portal before i got hit by his semblance..

Ironwood- i got lucky...

Weiss- well good thing..when will you finish the job?? Lord rezivm is not a patient man..

Ironwood- it will take a year to finish we had to make sure that the portal is in exact location...if he can't underatand the situation he will find a way to finish the portal...

Weiss- true...he  can wait for a year or two and besides he needs our power rather than we need him...he just waltsing atound our kingdom and propose a deal..so he can wait...and i already told him before i return here i challenge that faker to a war between him vs atlas...

Ironwood- he was a fool to accept the challenge...vale didn't know that we have the weapon can strike them down if things didn't go in my way...

Weiss- and what anout the war??

Ironwood- well the usual we will travel to earth and hide there for a while bring some androids for security if worse comes to worst...

Weiss- what about the people??

Ironwood- meh- i don't really care about them..they just bought my lies and cheat to earn my position..if they cought in the cross fire thats their fault..

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