"Tae..I am re...."Jungkook didn't get time to complete the sentence as Tae walked out from there. Taehyung's blank expression on the face feared him a lot.He knew he had to prove he is worth a second chance but it will be so hard and definitely they ever can't be in the way they lived so far.It will be total different in between them.

Jungkook tried so much to talk to Taehyung within the whole day. His whole existence screamed only one thing. It's Taehyung's warmth. He laughed at himself as Taehyung is correct. He never cared about him earlier and now here he is begging. He felt angry towards himself. He wanted to rewind time and not to let this happen. He wanted to be a good lover to Tae. He realized that he never was a good boyfriend. It's only Taehyung who worked up the relationship.

"You broke me Jungkook."

Taehyung didn't utter a single word and didn't shed a single tear. He bottled up everything inside him. He don't want to show his emotions specially to Jungkook cause he never cared even from the beginning. He felt frustrated with the situation. He hates Jungkook so much but his weak heart still scream Jungkook's name.He can't leave so he decided to disappear.

In this silent house Jungkook's phone ringed disturbing the queitness.Taehyung's attention diverted to Jungkook who answered the call. Jungkook stood up from the position and looked at Tae. Jungkook saw that Taehyung also was looking at him. With that Jungkook left house. Again. Taehyung slightly smiled looking at his fading figure.

He still left.

Jieun knew that this is her destiny. Mrs. Lee is crying so hardly holding Jieun's hands afraid to let them go.Jin fainted with the shock of seeing Jieun's medical reports. Jungkook ran towards the room and opened the door with a loud sound.He smiled sightly with his teary eyes.

"Don't cry. You knew that this will gonna happen."Jieun said. She didn't shed single tear because she knew about it from very beginning. She knew that she is dying. She knew that she had cancer. For her the only difference is that days are more closer.Jungkook is the only other one who knew about it.

Then those are only memories but now for her these are treasure.Now she knows that every moment is valuable that she thinks. So she just wanted to remind the past as she have time now. (Chapter 11)

"If I knew this will end up like that I will never agree. Please stay with me atleast as a friend for this short time."(Chapter 11)

I can't go... I am afraid that this will be my last."She cried.
(Chapter 15)

Jieun didn't want to tell this to anyone.She wanted to die so she took it as her chance. She didn't tell Jin and Mrs. Lee beacuse she didn't want to be a burden to them. She is still a burden. Don't wanted to add more. She is an egoful and independant lady. She didn't like to appear weak infront of them.She hates it when he depends on someone.But her life taught her a good lesson making her disabled. When she is married with Jungkook she didn't saw Jungkook that she was tired , depressed.When she kicked out Jungkook she didn't saw anyone that she was hurt, broken. When she got disabled she didn't saw anyone that she was helpless, vulnerable.But her body gave up making her weak.Still she maintained her pride even when she is dying.

She didn't had any plan of telling it to Jungkook but on the day Jungkook came to drop Hiro after her and Taehyung's concert events Jungkook asked her something.

"Jieun I want Hiro. I and Taehyung can adopt her. You are disabled and you can't raise her properly. Ready to go to court."Jungkook spatted angrily. He hates this woman so much.

Jieun widened her eyes at the offer. Today was the day she got to know about her cancer. So she can't let go her happy ball. Until she died she wanted to keep her. She wanted to tell that Hiro is hers. Tears filled up in her eyes and she yelled

"No Don't I can't."

"You will definitely defeat on the court."Jungkook said with a smirk.Jieun had no way but to tell him about his condition. That's why Jungkook is the guardian of her as he is the only one who knew about this.

"Don't worry. I am here for you always. We are all together in this." Taehyung  peeped outside only to see both of them hugging.
(Chapter 10)

Jungkook tried so hard to make Jieun live. He had faith that Jieun will make it up. He wanted to repay everything she had done for him eversince the collge days.

Jieun prohibited Jungkook to tell anyone about that even Taehyung.She didn't wanted to see Taehyung worrying about him. She wanted to be punished for everything she had done.She didn't want any pity beacuse of her disease. Her faluts are so far from forgiveness.

Jungkook can't make any words to tell her. He don't know what to tell. She is his onky friend. He ran outside while Jieun warmly smiled. She is still the strong girl in Seoul High.

Jungkook drove as fast as he can to reach for his wamrth , his comfort. He wants him really bad now.Every recent momets happened overwhlemed him. He parked the car messily and ran into the house.He saw Tae who opened door with his puffy eyes. He hurt him also.Jungkook went into him to take a hug. He badly wanted it. But Taehyung just walked ahead and closed the door. Still he is silent. Jungkook again tried to hug but Taehyung stepped back stopping it.

Jungkook himself can't control it. He broke down completely. He failed as a father , lover , friend maybe child as he is an orphan after all. He leaned against the wall and plopped down on the floor holding his head. He is crying so hardly.

"It's so hard Tae. So hard to endure."Jungkook hiccuped in between

."I am failed. I am a curse. I hurt you also."Taehyung juts listened to him standing there.

"It is so hard to manage everything.Everyone is asking me things no one to give me but only you Tae. That's why I am so regretful. I don't want to hurt you. But I am animal. So don't come closer me."Jungkook said meeting Tae's eyes which are still blank.

"I wanted to do everything correctly as everyone expects that from me even you."Jungkook breathed hardly.

"I tried so hard in business , in Hiro's things and even Jieun's things. But infront of you it is so easy to me Tae. But I hurt you. I broke you. I didn't worth this."Jungkook screamed hitting on his head.He is totally broken down now.

"I just let Jieun to suffer earlier and now you."Jungkook said.

"I wanted to protect everything. To hold everything but I failed Tae."Jungkook hardly cried due to hiccups.

"I lost you and now sh..she...she..she also..."Taehyung can't stand this anymore. He can't see Jungkook like this. He held his blank face for so long but his eyes betrayed. They became wet in a moment. He bent and hugged Jungkook. Afterall Jungkook is his love. But Jungkook never had the luxury of feeling that warmth as he passed out due to sobbing in Tae's arms.

Taehyung made sure Jungkook is okay and decided to end his misery. So he made a call who Jungkook referred as she lastly.

"Hello Jieun. I want to talk with you."


Guyyyysss the book is at the very end now.

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