Chapter - 10

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Happy 10 followers and 1k + reads....You all have a really big heart. Thank you for all your reads , comments and support.....


"No Tae listen. I will come to yours also."Jungkook said cupping Tae's cheeks.

"No It's okay Jungkook. Hiro needs you the most now."Taehyung said not looking at Jungkook as his eyes are glossy. Don't tell him that he is so childish. He had a lot of expectations about this. He planned in his mind how to spend the night even after the show.

" Don't be sad Tae. You know I can't see you like this."Jungkook hugged Taehyung so tightly out of emotion.

"Do you think these all are so easy for me?"Tae mumbled but Jungkook heard it clearly. He closed his eyes. He don't know what to do. He wants to be a perfect lover as well as good father.He knows recently Tae is all alone with Jungkook's tight shedules in office as well as Hiro. He wants to make it up for Tae but he falied everytime.

"I'll try my best."He said before placing a soft kiss on younger's head.

"Jungkook Jungkook I am gonna go. Jungkook."Taehyung tried to wake up Jungkook for 10 minutes already.Normally he kissed him to wake up but today he don't have the mood for that.

"Give me kiss. Then I wake up."Jungkook said not opening the eyes.

"Yaahhh you brattt."Tae yelled out of surprise and hit him on his chest.Jungkook however managed to get him into a hug and smirked at his victory.

"I am going to go."Tae said accepting that he is surrendered.

"This early!!"

"We are going to practise before the event."Jungkook clearly can see that Tae's excitement over the event before is totally vanished.

"Baby!!!"Jungkook lifted Tae's face up from chin and said

"Don't be like this baby. I will come okay. I can't promise but I'll try. You can win this pretty. Eventhough I am not there I will be always here."Jungkook said it while pointing towards Tae's heart.

"Just place your hand here and listen to it."

"Yahhhh you are not my heartbeat."Tae said after hitting him.

"But we agreed that we are each others' hearbeat you meanie."Jungkook said in disbelief even with a pout.

"I always do that when I miss you in the office."He continued while playing with his fingers along his sharpening pout.

Tae looked at Jungkook reminding that past. They had more than enough time to be with themselves in abroad. It's like a dream. But he knows eventhough the reality is bitter he have to face it. He have to face that Jungkook is a married person even with a daughter.

"Ok I'll go."Taehyung said ironing his clothes again by his hands.

"Best of luck baby."Jungkook said with a thumb up. Tae placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's lips and ran. He already planned to understand everything from Jungkook's side. So he realized that he have to let go Jungkook this time although it is so hard.

Taehyung practised with his team and now dressed up for the event. It is almost evening as the ceremony is going to start. It is held in the orphanage's playground as it is big enough for the need. Lot of people came to the spot already to cheer up their loved ones. Tae just smiled a little and sighed as there was no one for him in that crowd. No one to look foreward him. He got his phone to call Jungkook but shrugged it off as he don't want to disturb them.

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