Chapter - 16

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I know that you worked hard yesterday and you will today too.I am very proud of you. Fightinggg!!!

Jungkook ran behind Tae as soon as he saw him leaving the party. He looked here and there to take a glimpse of younger and then he saw Taehyung who is leaning against the car who seems to be crying.Jungkook felt so lost watching his lover like this and rushed towards him.

"Tae!!"Jungkook said catching hid breath as he ran all over the way here.Taehyung just looked the other side not wanting to face the latter. Jungkook cupped his cheeks to get his attention on him but Taehyung just removed his hands from his face.

"Do you notice me at least now?"Taehyung said painfully.

"Noo Tae!! We can talk with them. I will explain all of them who you are and how much you value to me."

"There's no need to.What happened was happened." Taehyung said looking other side.

"Then why are you sad?"Jungkook asked desparately.

"Are you that clueless Jungkook?"Taehyung snapped loudly directly looking at his eyes this time.

"Everything I do is for Hiro. You know that."

"That's the problem. That's why you are doing everything you want without noticing me."Tae said with his teary messy face.Jungkook sighed and rubbed his face. He can't understand what is happening now. He can understand but don't know what to say and how to react. Both of them caught up in this kind of situation for the first time.

"Are you talking about that hugging incident?"Jungkook asked wanting to solve the problem quickly. He can't live like this.Taehyung doesn't answer the question and boldly said

"I want to go home now."He wanted to appear strong infront of him eventhough his soul is broken down into tiny parts.But his tears doesn't help him at all.

"Tae..You know we are just friends now."Jungkook said holding onto his shoulders feeling alone and helpless all of a sudden.Taehyung looked at Jungkook and yelled

"Then is it okay if I roam around the town with my ex ?"Jungkook understood that he can't talk with Taehyung now. So he decided to solve this issue morning as the first thing of the day. He can't withstand mad Tae.

"Okay okay.Let's go home first."Jungkook said hoping to calm down him.Taehyung detached himself from Jungkook's hands and left without any word. Jungkook understood that he hurt Tae a lot with or without thinking.But he doesn't know that it is way beyond repair.

Car ride is silent and this exhausts Jungkook so much. He wanted to talk with him , hold him and kiss him. He wanted to see that boxy smile and make him annoyed with his weird jokes. After all the ride is full of Jungkook's sighs and Taehyung's sniffles.As soon as the car parked at their garden Tae went into the room without even looking at him.Jungkook sensed that this time it will be hard.Jungkook closed the main door and drank a full glass of water from the kitchen.He then went to the room only to be met with Tae who is rolled into himself at the corner of the bed. He is crying so hard that the body gasped everytime he hiccuped. It is such a cute scenery but it is not the time. Taehyung didn't even changed his clothes. He can sensed that how much Taehyung hurt today. Actually it is quite understandable. Jungkook also laid beside Taehyung with the determination of making it upto him.

Jungkook frowned in his sleep when he heard some ruzzling sounds.He just shrugged it off and decided to sleep again but he woke up suddenely with horror in his face reminding the shitty things happened at late night.He looked the other side of the bed and younger is no longer there.He jumped out from the bed and ran to down floor to see Taehyung who is trying to open the door.Seems like it is so hard to insert the key into keyhole with his teary blurry eyes. Jungkook came closer to Tae and stopped Tae from going out as he succeeded in opening the door.Jungkook saw the luggage beside him and he don't want it to be the thing he never dreamt even in his nightmares.

Is Tae going to leave him?

"Let me go Jungkook."Taehyung said trying to loose the grip.

"Are you going to leave me Tae?"Jungkook asked. Now his eyes are also began to fill with tears. Taehyung saw how Jungkook's expression changed when he noded. He can't see his lover like this.

"Don't make it hard for me Jungkook."Tae said crying.

"But why do you want to leave?Can't we talk and solve this ?"Jungkook asked in his pleading voice. He doesn't hesitate to show Tae his weakest side as he is the one who made him stronger.

"This hurt me a lot. Just give me some time to mend my mind."Taehyung said without looking at him.

"Do you hate me?"Jungkook asked as a small kid. His nose is red and face is messy.

"I love you and that's why I am doing this. We both need time now. This is not only beacuse of yesterday. You have to figure it out Jungkook."Tae said taking his luggage.

"Don't leave me Tae please."Jungkook whispered.

"You atleast have Hiro. I have none Jungkook."Tae said facing his back to Jungkook.

"Don't come finding me. I am at Jimin's and please leave me alone."Jungkook looked at the floor. He realized that this time he fvcked up pretty badly.

Jungkook accepts that he missed his time with Tae lately. They didn't have any conversation lately. He accpets that he had to think about all these from Tae's side too.He may be felt so lonely and lost and unloved.Taehyung turned back and said

"Just in case you don't know until now yesterday was our anniversary. Happy anniversary! and just think about you in my place."With that Tae left. He remained so patient until now. But after those comments from people in the party he really lost it.He lost his reputation.He didn't felt any protection from his lover at that moment.

As soon as those words slipped out from Tae a thunder moved inside his body. Realization hit him hard and he grabbed his hair and pulled them being angry about himself. He hit his hand on the wall out of frustration and leaned down the wall crying so hardly. All these things at the same time made him feel sick. How can he forget that?Without Tae he can't do anything but what Tae does really understanding.He had to face that type of shitty experience on their anniversary. What type of boyfriend is he?He went to kitchen and opened the fridge to get a cool water bottle but he just stiffed. He took that cake out and placed it on the counter. He looked that lovingly and muttered

"I am sorry baby."He didn't bother to wipe off his tears. He just stared at the cake. He can't go after Tae as he said clearly not to follow. When all these thoughts running is his mind , his phone ringed. He answered it without looking at caller.

"Sir the piano you asked to made. It is finished."

"I will come and take a look."With that he cut the call and kissed the bracelet on his hand.

"Sorry baby. I was too into your birthday that I missed this special day."


Is this good?
Are you now on Tae's side
Jungkook's side

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