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Chapter 12

Five days before ~

Louis stormed out of the gate, his jaw clenched with frustration. He couldn't bear to look back and face Harry after the colossal mess he'd just made. A lingering thought in his head knew that a situation like this was inevitable, but he had naively hoped it wouldn't happen so soon. As he slammed the car door shut and revved the engine, Louis felt like screaming until his lungs gave out - it wasn't his fault, damn it. It wasn't fair. But he knew deep down that this was the life he'd chosen, the one he was meant to live. Most days, he could handle it - a glass of whiskey and a good night's sleep would do it. But on days like today, there was only one person who could calm his raging emotions. Zayn.

The sleek vehicle gracefully made its way into a hidden alleyway, known only to a select few, including Louis. A sense of disgusting satisfaction washed over him, sending a shivering glow through his body. Most days he felt a bitter nothing as his car slowly drove down this road, but on days like today, he was consumed with a profound sense of contentment. It was an emotion that filled him with unease, as though he were plummeting towards a perilous and inescapable fate. It simultaneously thrilled and frightened him, knowing how deeply entrenched he had become in this lifestyle, with little hope for escape. The car came to a regal stop at the entrance of a fortress-like structure that seemed deceptively barren to the untrained eye. The surrounding plot appeared eerily vacant to most, but for Louis, it was a fragment of paradise. An unobtrusive camera glared down at the car, then, moments later, the towering gates slid apart for Louis to proceed. He pulled his car into a spacious lot, facing a grand entrance with not a solitary soul to be found.

For the past 15 years, Louis had followed the same routine without fail: entering a passcode on a door, activating a fingerprint scanner, and gaining access to the elevator that would take him to sub level B. Although his brisk walk from the car might have suggested otherwise, Louis was far from alone. Unbeknownst to most, a team of over seventeen armed guards stood in strategic positions, hidden from view. It was a testament to Louis's meticulous planning that only he knew they were there.

As the elevator doors slid open, Louis emerged onto the main level of the compound. This area was markedly different from what one would expect. It was rugged and cutthroat, housing the log room stocked with weapons and gear, training rooms, conference rooms, and, of course, Ira's room. Louis wasted no time in swiftly traversing the sprawling space, meticulously checking log books and verifying the positions of those currently on duty. Within ten minutes, he was back in the elevator, ready to access another sub level.

The transition was dramatic as Louis stepped out into an opulent space that resembled a five-star hotel lobby. Dozens of men lounged on plush sofas or gathered around a well-lit bar towards the back. As soon as they caught sight of Louis, they straightened up in their seats, nodding in deference. The older men greeted him with a nod, while the younger ones stood up and bowed their heads in reverence. Louis couldn't help but roll his eyes at this display of subservience as he strode past the lobby area and down another hallway. The sound of clanging pots and pans drew him towards a commercial kitchen that boasted a spread of sumptuous delicacies beneath cloches against one wall. Sure enough, standing in the center island and feasting on an overflowing plate were both Lee and Ayden, deep in conversation.

"Thought I'd find you guys near the food."

"What can we say we're simple people Lou" replied Ayden, his mouth stuffed to the brim.

"Didn't expect to see you here tonight Louis. We didn't think this party was high class enough for you," remarked Lee with a face as serious as a heart attack. Louis held back an internal chuckle at Lee's solemn façade, which seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. As far as Louis was concerned, Lee could only muster up two types of expressions - and that was being generous, seeing as Louis had only ever witnessed one unchanging look on his face.

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