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Chapter 11

Harry gazed out the window as the slow jazz music transcended him into a world of thoughts. He couldn't help but feel at ease when he thought back to the day he'd had. It was perfect, dreamlike almost and it made it hard for him to believe that he was really living a day out of his life. He wondered if this was perhaps a cruel joke of the universe, to make him this happy so that the terrible days he faced on a regular basis would become even more unbearable. He shook his head trying hard not to go down a trail of negative thoughts and shifted his attention to the rain drops on the window racing in front of him. He watched and watched as they blurred and his eyes unconsciously closed.

It hadn't been too long, he could guess since he hadn't had a dream. Yet somehow he'd woken up feeling so painfully refreshed. The car was still now and he wondered for a few seconds if they were at a red light. Not wanting this night to end, he kept his eyes shut and blissfully hoped that they were still far away. He could feel Louis' warmth next to him as a few more minutes went by in passing. The car remained still. He wondered why on earth Louis hadn't woken him up if they'd reached. Was he mad at him for falling asleep when they were together? Maybe he'd bored him too much and he was happy to finally have some peace and quiet. Each bad thought followed the another, and then another. Harry was a second away from opening the door and bolting out the car but a soft touch on his forehead immediately stopped him. He squeezed his hand in response wondering what on earth was happening. He wanted so desperately to open his eyes but he couldn't bear to. He was too curious as to what would happen.

Gentle grazes of fingertips met with his skin as his hair was being lightly pushed back. The gesture was sending goosebumps down his back and he desperately tried with all the neurons in his body to avoid drawing a smile on his face. He figured he'd wait a few seconds before he would open his eyes to avoid any awkwardness. Yet the minute the hand drew back, he ached for it to touch him again. For the feeling of being touched so lovably to return. He fought with his mind to open his eyes and pull out of this situation but his heart had taken control of the steering wheel of decisions in his head and he found himself waiting, oh so patiently.

"I want to spend every day with you" a soft voice mumbled. In any other situation the whisper would have been almost impossible to hear. But in the pin drop surroundings of the car the voice echoed in Harry's ears like it was being screamed from the top of a mountain. He was suddenly very aware of everything going on around him. He could feel Louis' presence so evidently his cologne seeping into every inch of his body. His heart was racing and he was embarrassed, but he couldn't help but feel excited too. He instantaneously opened his eyes and adjusted to the delicate expression on Louis's face. He watched as it drained out from in front of him in seconds and turned to a stoic look that made his heart ache. He could tell if he didn't act fast he would ruin this moment for good.

"Boy, I slept good." He gazed out the windscreen and pretended to act surprised that they'd reached. "You're such a wanker, you could have told me if we reached. I bet you were too busy taking videos of me snoring weren't you?" Harry looked back at Louis playfully hoping he'd buy his lie. He watched as the despondent look on his face slowly changed and his shoulders relaxed.

"Dammit I should have recorded it. The way you were sleeping with your mouth open, it would have made for some great blackmail."

Harry laughed, both relived and dumbfounded that this idiot was lying so blatantly. He could still feel the jitters in his stomach from the words he'd just heard. He needed to leave, and it needed to be now.

"I should go.. thanks for driving me home, bye..!"

Harry grabbed the door handle and pushed it open before he could hear a reply. He awkwardly jogged to his front gate, only briefly turning for a second to wave Louis another goodbye. Once inside the gate of his house, he slid down against it and facepalmed hard. I'm the world's biggest idiot. He waited till he heard the car zoom off before standing up again and walking to his house. He bolted straight to his bedroom and screamed in a pillow. He was burning up and it definitely wasn't because of the heater.

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