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Chapter 4

It was dark yet again. The moments before had gone by in a blur. It would have been easy to believe it didn't happen but the radiating pain that took over the boy's entire body confirmed that he had indeed stormed towards a group of men in hopes of fighting a match he was bound to loose anyways.

"Where am I" thought the boy to himself. He was curled up in what appeared to be a small space. He extended his arms and legs in hopes that he could feel something. But there was little he could do when his movement was restricted by the cable ties around his wrists and ankles. He closed his eyes and opened them again. There was no difference either way, he couldn't see an inch in front of him. He suddenly felt a rush of panic take over him. It was followed by a strange feeling that had his whole body feeling like it was being strangled. It was as if the space around him was closing in on him. Like it was about to engulf him in this darkness that surrounded him. He could feel the oxygen in the air dwindling with every breath he took. The panic grew stronger. He held his breath, desperately trying to save the dire supply of oxygen he had left. He was starting to realize where he was when a sudden movement occurred. "What's going on?" His realization now stemmed into a confirmation. He was stuck in the trunk of a car. A floodgate of thoughts opened in his mind, none of which were pleasant. He kicked his arms up and his legs in front, trying to kid himself that his strength could somehow open up this trunk. One kick, two kick, the third kick was the hardest he could manage. The little hope he had of accomplishing was instead replaced with a gut-wrenching smell of blood that took over his nose. He was now breathing in quick paces, his mind in turmoil. He wanted to be concerned with trying to find out where the smell was coming from. Was he bleeding? Was there a random person's body in this car with him? Was he just drenched in a pool of blood? He couldn't have guessed because each scary thought preceded with an even darker one.

He tried tracking the movement of the car, keeping in mind the left's and right's it took. He then tried holding his breath to achieve a pin drop silence and perhaps hear the people in the car. He even tried rolling around in pain in hopes that he could break through the trunk latch and just fall out in the middle of the road.

It hurt.

His whole body ached.

His mind went numb.

He felt sick.

He continued tracking the car which was perhaps driving him to his death.


Louis woke up panting, his bedsheets drenched in sweat. The dark bedroom with a faint light was now his worst enemy. He reached his hand out to the lamp next to his bed, and awkwardly turned it on with shaking hands. The sticky feeling that covered his body achieved from the layer of sweat and the goosebumps he had, disgusted him more than the blood in his dream. They were all signs of weakness and he despised it. He tried to make his way out of bed only to stumble and fall. His legs had no energy and he had to strain himself to gain the composure to walk. Different articles of clothing continued to trail the way until he reached his bathroom. He flicked the shower handle down and stepped into the glass booth with black tiles. He stood under the shower, patiently waiting as the water erased the layers of loathe that the dream had formed on his mind and body.

He then positioned his head directly under the shower head, which allowed the water to drench his hair. The water dripped off his head and onto the floor. In response he bend his head down a little, trying to focus on this therapeutic motion instead of the thoughts in his head. His toned body that gracefully dripped with water made him look deliciously wet. Droplets of water gathered in the dip of his collar bones and an "it is what it is" tattoo obscenely spread out and stood out underneath them. The water then flowed through the number above his left nipple, briefly touching the light dust of hair in the middle of his chest and then reaching his curvy waist. The water finally escaped down to his scrumptious ass and this breathtaking sequence continued for fifteen more minutes.

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