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How does it happen. Being teleported to another world. Luck? Idiocy? Test subject? Perhaps he was meant to. Who knows.

For Jaune, well luck wasn't on his side. You see his team was in dust class and Cardin thought it would be a good idea to mix several dust crystals leftovers together and throw them towards JNPR and RWBY. Jaune saw what he was going to do and when he threw it, he pushed his team along with RWBY out of the way of the resulting blast.

When the dust settled everyone looked around wondering what happened. After a few seconds they hear Cardin laughing and look towards him, only to see parts of Jaune's uniform and bunny sweatshirt floating through the air.

"Where's Jaune!?" Professor Peach yelled. Only for no one to know.

"J Jaune...." Ruby squeaked out while looking around.

"What did you do!" Pyrrha shouted at Cardin.

"Me why I did nothing champion." Cardin replied smugly as he picked up a piece of Jaune's hoodie before putting it down and stomping on it. "All I saw was an explosion where your team was."

Before Pyrrha, Nora and Ren could attack Cardin Professor Peach stepped in. "Enough! Everyone return to your dorms now!" Peach ordered. "Anyone found outside of them will be brought to Headmaster Ozpin!"

While this was going on, in Chicago Illinois we see Jaune laying outside of a bar with his tattered burning clothes and was bleeding from his ears, nose and the two dozen cuts on his body. A few men in suits and a few with pistols rushed outside when they heard the explosion only to find Jaune on the ground with a large knife from his class covered in his blood. They looked around and saw a few cars speed away.

"Get him inside now. Carlos get a doctor." An older man ordered as everyone did as they were told.

"Jesus what the hell happened out there?" Another man asked as he walked behind the older man.

"This boy might've just saved our skins." The older man said as he walked inside with a few others behind him. "Get word to the boys to find out who did this to him. I want names."

"Got it boss." A group of 4 men said before they jogged behind the bar into their separate vehicles and drove off.

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