Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

I follow my triplets and get in my car (media).  I have to get in the back because I am shorter than everyone else. Which means my legs are short. 


Love you height.  If you didn't catch that, that is sarcasm.

The drive to school is 20 minutes. 

"Hey, bros. Does anyone have Dramamine? "I ask them.

"Sorry, it takes 30 minutes to work muffin. Are you nauseous?" Jason asks.

"As always." I say putting my head between my legs. I hate motion sickness.


"We are here." Percy says, getting out of the car. He isn't getting out fast enough so I push him out.

"Out! Out! Out!" I say pushing him even more, but now he is resisting.  "Do you want me to hit you with a shoe?"  He stops pushing back and turns around.

"What is with you and shoes?"  Percy asks.

"They are adorable and weapons. Plus most make me taller. Must I go on?" I say, resorting to pushing him with my feet. Apparently he wasn't ready for heels against his back because he feel out. "Thank you." I say climbing out of the car fast. I get out and see everyone looking at us. 

"Hello." I say, giving a small wave.  A few people chuckle. 

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" Leo yells. I look up through my eyelashes.

"He wouldn't let me out of the car." I say in a babyish voice. My voice has always been high, not hurt your ear high, just like a 5 year old's. It is pretty handy with prank phone calls. Hehehehehe, one time No! This is the first day. Don't get distracted. You will fall and seriously hurt yourself.

"Percy, why wouldn't you let Megan out of the car?" Edward says, with his hands on his hips.

"What? Why am I getting in trouble? I am on the ground." Percy says with a whine.

I squat down beside him. "Because I am the little sister and when I am nauseous and I want to get out of the car you let me, otherwise I will personally aim my puke at you." I whisper in his ear. Then I straighten my legs, my brothers and the werewolves are laughing because of their superhuman hearing. There are no humans at this school. Just "us".Hehe.

Jason comes around and helps Percy up. I smirk.

"I will get you back." Percy says doing the 'I'm watching you' sign.

"This was pay back when you by accidently pushed me off the 3rd story balcony this morning." I say, with my arms crossed. A growl rang through the court yard. It gives me a warm feeling.

"It is not my fault that you didn't notice me coming into your room, and why where your feet hanging off your balcony?"

"I like to swing my legs got a probable?" I ask back.

"Nope." Percy ruffles my hair then turns around. I smile then hop on to his back.

"TO THE OFFICE MY TRUSTY STEED!" I yell putting my left arm in the air. Like superman. 

Everyone tries to stifle their laughs, but Jason is laughing full out.

"Why are you laugh Jason? I remember you letting me do make up on you to see if it would look good on me, more than once. So you have no excuse to laugh." I say, giving him a look. He stops laughing. My brothers and someone else burst out laughing. The mystery person's laugh sounds like heaven. Strange.

The Mermaid Princess and the Alpha's Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن