Chapter 4: Laplace

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*Sakuta's perspective*

"How did she knew what you call me?" I asked.

"For starters, it's not my call sign to you, it's an insult. Second, it could've just been a coincidence. Plus, do you know what time it is?" Futaba replied.

"12:47. Why?"

"We already did this skit right?"

"Huh? What skit?"

"Nevermind. I'm sleeping now." Futaba said then hung up.

She must be right. I'm overthinking things. After all, I really look like someone that could be branded as a rascal. Tch, enough self-antagonizing.


"That was quite the speech you had, you young rascal." Futaba said.


"Your heart is really made of iron, Sakuta." Kunimi said.

We already talked about this, right?

"You'd happily face embarrassment if a beautiful senpai is involved. That's a young rascal if I ever see one." Futaba added.

"So? Why the long face bud?" Kunimi asked.

"My hypothesis is that he got rejected." Futaba said.

"Rejected? I thought what Sakuta did was more than enough to move the heart of a young maiden." Kunimi said.

"We already had this conversation, right?" I asked.

"My hypotheses were right then." Futaba said.

"Yuuma~ Let's eat lunch together!" Kamisato said to Kunimi.

"I'll be going then, Sakuta. Cheer up bud. You'll find another girl to pour your love for." Kunimi said then got dragged away by Kamisato.

"I'll be going as we-"

"I have something to talk with you."


"So you're saying that you already experienced this day and the day after?" Futaba asked.


"It's just probably your usual '8th grade syndrome'."

"I'm in 11th grade though."

"Then let's just call it your '11th grade syndrome'. Well, other than that is your favorite, adolescence syndrome."

"I don't like that even a bit."

"Let's see. You might be saying that this is a time loop but maybe that's not the case."

"Why? Time's not rewinding for everyone except me, how can you be sure that there's no time looping?"

"Have you heard of Laplace's demon?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't have any demon acquaintances."

"Every matter in this world is governed by the laws of physics. If you quantity those laws and calculate them, you can elicit a future situation. In other words, if you can figure out the position and momentum of every atom in the world, you can help me in returning to my dimension, Sakuta. With that much mathematical variables, an extraordinary feat that can only be done by something that's out of this world." Futaba said.

"So that's the Laplace's demon."

"Yes. It can ascertain every position and momentum of atom in a short period of time, giving it a peek into the future with sheer calculation."

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm no suspicious demon."

"Then you should find the real Laplace's demon then."


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