XXVI. Where Oceans Meet

Start from the beginning

I turn away again as the image of that boy enters my mind. The young one with the messy hair. He's a bloodsorcerer, here at my mother's camp– probably personally trained by Ettiana herself.

Why him and not me?

What was so wrong with me that she wanted to take away my magic?

"Mila, are you okay?"

I look up, shocked to see Noelani. She's only a few feet down the path, somehow managing to sneak up on us. She doesn't stop until she stands right in front of me, reaching out to grab my hand as she assesses me with worried eyes.

"Noelani?" Ettiana asks, clearly surprised to see the Nirasian princess.

I watch as Noelani gives a tight smile. "Hello, Ettiana," she greets.

I squeeze Noelani's hand, holding back a sniffle. I refuse to turn around. I can't face Ettiana anymore. I've had enough for today.

Noelani returns her attention back to me, using her free hand to push a stray curl away from my face. It doesn't take her long to figure out what's going on.

"Let's go," she whispers.

I nod, relieved.

She pauses a moment, her gaze shooting around me and back to Ettiana. The old acquaintances don't speak a word, but I can tell by watching Noelani's face that the brief moment between them ends in some sort of silent agreement.

I frown as Noelani leads me away and towards a quiet section of the courtyard. I stumble after her. We head towards an overgrown section of bushes tall enough to hide us away from prying eyes. I take a seat on a worn out bench, suddenly embarrassed that Noelani had to come save me from my own mother.

"Mila," she says gently, taking a seat next to me. "I heard about your father."

"I'm fine," I insist, desperately trying to avoid the subject. "Did you make plans to rescue Cormak yet?"

"The details of the mission will be finalized at tonight's meeting," she says. She reaches out, hesitating slightly as she grabs my hand and wraps her fingers around mine.

My breath catches at the comforting gesture. I silently thank the Deities that even if our relationship can't be intimate I still get to feel close to her like this.

"Hey," Noelani says, forcing me to look at her. "It's okay to be sad. You don't have to keep it together, Mila."

"No," I argue stubbornly, my eyes already filled with tears.

She pulls me closer until her arms wrap around me and we are hugging.

"I've got you," she whispers in my ear.

I sob softly, letting her comfort me. It's a nice feeling– one that I'm not used to.

It feels so much safer to cry while she's here.

She's being so nice to me when she has her own problems to worry about. Her brother has been captured for Deities sake.

"I'm sorry," I blubber as I pull away and wipe my face.

"Don't apologize," she demands gently.

I frown. "You shouldn't be comforting me," I say. "You should be worrying about how we're going to save your brother."

"You're in pain," she tells me. "I'm not going to let you go through this alone– I care about you, Mila."


"Besides, how many times have you comforted me?" she continues. "You don't get to be the strong one all the time."

She looks at me, her eyes softening as she takes me in.

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