Part 2

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   David was made to work for Miguel's drug empire, doing everything from smuggling drugs to laundering money and creating false paper works which made him feel like he had bloods on his hand, and he would sometimes hear the men talk about how they ended the life of a stubborn client, it was like this was a game to them. He was constantly watched and monitored by Miguel's men and was not allowed to leave the mansion without their permission, he was even a toy to the females who needed relieve with all their fetish habit, sometimes he would be intentionally pick on by one of the guys who would ask him to spare with them, the difference was always clear. David felt trapped and hopeless, he felt lost and as month went by, he began to accept his fate with no way of escaping from the nightmare he found himself in and his trusted one sold him into.

Months went by and David was becoming increasingly depressed and desperate. He knew that he had to find a way out before it was too late. He was just coming from the general dining hall to his designated workplace when he overheard Miguel and some men whispering about something with a file in their hand, the only thing his mind focused on was the fact that the file was his only route of escape.

"I want to try dealing in drugs and knowing how it works", he said one day to the person in charge of him, "I know you may doubt me, but look at me, my life is already not mine, and I would love to be better at what I do, I'm already tired of how I'm treated like I'm some little kid picked from the street. You should understand what I mean right?", he made sure not to break eye contact nor make his voice waver.

The man looked at him for some while, his situation was slightly similar to that of David so he sighed, "I will think about it". They then continued the paper work they were doing and sorting out the cartons based on where it was to be delivered to. David heart ached knowing that a lot of youths and people were going to take this and loss their mind.

Now the only thing remaining was that file and how he could get it, at least he already knew it was in their boss room which was guarded until 12 in the night in which the guards will move downstairs and take turns, he also knew a way to the room through the ventilator duct. He was also taught the type of drugs and their uses with how long they are used. The only thing holding him back was how he was going to put every plan to action.

One day, he was given a task to deliver a package to a rival drug lord who lived on the opposite island by the other side of the island. David saw this as an opportunity to escape and decided to take a chance. He had only three days before he set out and he was still thinking on what to do.

"To fight for life, you must be ready to risk it in a sure bet", he remembered the words of his father that night when he was about to sleep and he made up his mind to do so, there was nothing he was going to gain from just sitting still waiting for an opportunity to drop in his hand.

David stole a bottle of benzodiazepines (Xanax) and kept it in his work clothe, always conscious of it wherever he went so that he won't by accident loss it along the way, and he was also careful to do things right and avoid any suspicious movement.

When it was becoming dark around the time for dinner, he snuck to the second floor right below their boss floor and stood behind the stairs in which its shadow made him invisible to any one's eye, he steadies his breath by placing a hand on his mouth to prevent even the slightest sound to escape.

A bright light shuns on the passage and he knew immediately his countdown had begun, he waited for a long while almost giving up when he heard the drag of feet up the stairs, as the person became in line with him, he immediately took out his handkerchief and placed it directly in the man mouth while holding his neck tightly, his kneels up on his shower blade which was almost reaching the stairs with a loud thud if not for the physical training he was forcefully taught. One down two to go.

The other two were easy to fool, all he needed to do was to bring in one of his action films ideas in and that was to imitate the one he just suffocated voice and tell them to go down for wine away from their boss eye, what made it a success was that he realized that they did snick to drink behind Miguel's back to enjoy themselves.

He snicked into the boss room avoiding the security camera spot he had memories from how long he was in the camera room, he then went under his matters and took out the real file while dropping a fake, out of curiosity he opened it and read through it just to find out it was all their drug depot and big clients with secret spots it held. He then remembered there was a printer downstairs in which he could use to print another copy in which he could be able to keep the original for future reference.

As he was about to crawl out the room, the door opened and he ducked flat to the ground and slide under the bed as he watched the feet of Miguel and his current lover come in to the bed as their legs fighting to intertwine, heat flooded his check when he heard their intimate moans and groans, it did not take long for them to pass out cold on the bed, he was really tempted to slap the man who made his life hell numerous times but that mean he would be caught before he knew it, crawling back out he stood by the door and signed loudly throwing them the middle finger and then left for the printer. He was grinning to himself how he remembered the way he poured their own product to use it against them.

He was able to print it out and he went back to his dorm, sitting on the bed and looking around he was happy for the first time because it means he was going to see the outside world again, they may have forgotten him, he knew with pride that his family won't.

He managed to slip out of the mansion unnoticed and made his way to the rival drug lord's territory. He was going to swim all the way there, he was grateful to God he learnt how to swim, and his mother prevented him from giving up, he was going to risk this one and that was him getting the rival to believe him in which he hoped on God for help.

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QUESTION: How many of you can act like David?

                        Did he actually make it out?

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